Blogging Experts

What is a Blog ?

by Anon E. Internet Ninja
Anon E. Professional   Internet Ninja
I am sure most people already know, or at least have their personal idea of what a blog is. This is quite evident when browsing the inernet and perusing all the different ways in which people are communicating through their blogs.

So I put on my alien hat and took the perspective of someone who simply had no idea and thought perhaps this would be a good way of defining the question - What is a Blog ?

To start with the term blog takes its name from weblog or weblogger and as name  suggest, this is to do with the world-wide-web (www) and to log, as in to make regular records of occurances or incidents. Initially a blog was mostly thought of as an online journal or diary.

However there are many types of blogs today; including micro-blogs which are short messages normally accompanied by a link for further information.

A popular example of a micro-blogging tool or service is Twitter. There are also; audio blogs in the form of podcasts, video blogs, photo blogs and plain old blog blogs, but what you?ll find is that a lot of blogs take on the form of articles on various topics and in many cases bordering between citizen conventional journalism.
Well that's it in a nutshell...

In saying all the above, there are many other aspects to a blog such as the interaction it encourages, where visitors are invited to make comments and start conversation and discussions. This in turn empowers everyday individuals to readily voice their opinions to the general public.

There is much more to explain regarding this subject but its getting late now so I have to sign off...I?ll return later with more of my thoughts...
Good night all, or is that good morning.
Mar 11th 2011 21:50

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Neville Dinning Professional   Independent Consultant
The word blog now covers a wide range of different activities. It ranges from the extensive, and ever growing website, where a blogger (and occasional guest bloggers) add content to that site on a regular basis to the micro-blogging of Twitter and similar applications.

I must admit been taken by surprise when first using APSense that the things now called articles were called blogs. Each post being called a separate blog.

To try and capture what a blog is in a short article like is very difficult as different people will bring their own thoughts about that.
Mar 11th 2011 22:08   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
Awesome information. Thanks for sharing with group members.

@Neville Great to see you in the group sharing your thoughts
Mar 13th 2011 03:48   
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