Help Others To suceed Their Business

How Do You Help Others to Succeed?

by Allen Daniels
Allen Daniels Advanced  
Are you really helping others to succeed in their business or are you doing something else in the social networks?
I have seen multitudes of marketers screaming at the top of their lungs 'Let Me Help You' and while following their funnel, they are only interested in my cash. There is nothing wrong with asking for the sale, but do it in such a way that actually helps the person you are proclaiming that you want to help.
Do you help by showing your tools or opportunity or do you help by actually taking a new person by the hand and showing him/her what it is you are doing?
I guess my question is real simple. How are you helping other people to succeed in 'their' business. If the answer is to sign then up into your business, I would have to understand how that help is any better than anyone else that says 'join me'.
Allen Daniels
Mar 6th 2011 15:30

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Amanda E. Advanced   Creative Artist
That is what makes One24 such a truly awesome online business. You get to help others in a real way. Instead of keeping all the leads we generate to ourselves, we place some in our down line too.
Mar 7th 2011 15:53   
You help by sharing with others what you are doing. People are hungry for the right kind of knowledge that will help thyem succeed. Sometimes a business opportunity comes along that des just that and you pass it along.
Mar 8th 2011 10:27   
Vivian Fabrizio Senior   Network Marketing Consultant
The way I help others looking to learn the right way to market is by giving them a free training webinar link on, Learn how to market.
It is very interesting and helpful to hear new ways to market. We all look for new ways no matter how long we have been marketing.
Mar 18th 2011 14:27   
Allen Daniels Advanced   
I use a similar method Vivian. If you are building a 'team' then it is important to be able to help them. Like most other businesses you need to be able to add value before you ask for the partnership.
Mar 19th 2011 10:24   
Vivian Fabrizio Senior   Network Marketing Consultant
Yes, that is exactly what this is all about being able to help your team, therefore you will be helping each other grow.
Mar 19th 2011 10:30   
Ignacio Laron Innovator   SEO & Internet Marketing Specialist
How Do You Others To Succeed

Sharing your ideas from what their doing. If they own a business, a freelanceer etc, give them tips, advice how it will be more productive and if you have a lot of connection with other business or people that might give a help do it. Referral one of the key, word of mouth.
Mar 22nd 2011 00:38   
Allen Daniels Advanced   
I agree it is good to share ideas. It is probably more important to know what is working now.

Many of the methods taught were 'hot' a year ago and still work today, but not nearly as well as you are being lead to believe. This is a constantly changing market place and it is important to keep up with what is really working.

Allen Daniels
Mar 22nd 2011 01:08   
Cory Crabb Committed   Success Is Already Yours!!!!
I just toped your page good content here Allen :)
Mar 22nd 2011 03:12   
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