Online Payment Proofs

Legit traffic exchange site

by Vijaya Lakshmi Writer, Health Consultant
Vijaya Lakshmi Committed   Writer, Health Consultant
       Easyhits4U   Is legit traffic exchange site which runs for about seven years.

You can start with 500 free credits. And could promote 15 sites or blogs at the same time. It is Manual traffic exchange site.

Along with the traffic to the site you could earn money for surfing. If you surf 1000 pages they will give 30 cents.

I got three payments till now. My payment proofs are below.

If you are interested to join click the banner below.

<a href=""><img
src="" width=468
height=60 alt="Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange" border=0></a>

Payment proofs
Feb 9th 2011 12:39

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Tee Smith Freshman  Network Marketer
Hello, thank you for your payment proofs!
Feb 10th 2011 11:35   
Vijaya Lakshmi Committed   Writer, Health Consultant
If interested join in it.
Feb 10th 2011 11:45   
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