Health Product Review

Bowel Obstructions- Types and Treatments

by Dr Priya Sharma Healthcare Professional
Dr Priya Sharma Advanced Healthcare Professional
There are several bowel obstruction conditions, including:
Mechanical Bowel Obstruction: These occur due to physical blockages in the intestines, such as from adhesions, tumors, hernias, or impacted feces.
Ileus: This is a functional bowel obstruction where the muscles in the intestines don't work properly, often due to surgery, inflammation, or certain medications.
Volvulus: This is a condition where the intestine twists upon itself, leading to an obstruction.
Intussusception: This occurs when one segment of the intestine telescopes into another, causing an obstruction.
Fecal Impaction: This is a severe form of constipation where hardened stool blocks the intestine.
Hirschsprung's Disease: This is a congenital condition where certain parts of the colon lack nerve cells, leading to an obstruction.
Diverticulitis: Inflammation and infection of small pouches that can form in the colon, which can cause obstructions.
Tumors: Both benign and malignant tumors can obstruct the bowel.
Foreign Bodies: Ingested objects that can become lodged in the intestines.
Strictures: Narrowing of the intestine due to conditions like Crohn's disease.

Here are some common approaches to treating bowel obstructions:
Conservative Management: In some cases, particularly with partial or less severe obstructions, conservative management may be attempted. This can involve:
Bowel Rest: The patient is kept NPO (nothing by mouth) to allow the bowel to rest and heal.
Intravenous (IV) Fluids: Hydration and electrolyte balance are maintained through IV fluids.
Nasogastric Tube: A tube is inserted through the nose and into the stomach to decompress the bowel by removing air and fluid.
Medications: Medications may be used to manage symptoms and address underlying issues. These can include pain relievers and antibiotics for infection.
Endoscopic Procedures: If the obstruction is caused by a specific object, such as a bezoar or foreign body, an endoscopic procedure may be performed to remove it.
Surgery: In many cases, surgical intervention is required. The type of surgery depends on the cause of the obstruction. Surgical options include:
Bowel Resection: Part of the affected intestine is removed, and the healthy ends are reconnected (anastomosis).
Adhesiolysis: If the obstruction is due to adhesions, surgery may involve cutting or separating the adhesions.
Hernia Repair: Hernias causing the obstruction may be repaired.
Tumor Removal: If a tumor is the cause, it's surgically removed, and nearby tissue may also be resected.
Stent Placement: In some cases, a stent (a tube-shaped device) can be inserted to hold the obstructed area open, typically used in cases of colorectal cancer.

The choice of treatment depends on the individual's overall health, the underlying cause of the obstruction, and the extent of the blockage. Bowel obstructions can be serious and sometimes life-threatening, so prompt medical intervention is crucial. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a bowel obstruction, seek immediate medical attention. Get consultation and treatment for bowel obstruction by the best doctor Dr Amit Maydeo at H N Reliance hospital Mumbai.
Oct 26th 2023 10:51

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