The Law of Attraction Group

Surprise! A Message of Encouragement

by Robert J. Marketer, Empowerment Practitioner
Robert J. Magnate I   Marketer, Empowerment...
I picked up this information from I thought it could be helpful to those in the group.  Robert"An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?"~ Michel De Saint-PierreAct Cheerfully -- Have More Fun.
SMILE... SMILE... SMILE...Surprise! 
Make a contribution today. Perform a simple, unexpected act of kindness to someone. Finding ways to help others inspires everyone.Happiness is like can't spread it around without getting a little on yourself.Today's Quest...Answer Honestly:What small kindness can you show someone today? _________________________________ How did you feel the last time someone gave you an unexpected act of kindness? _________________________________ Where will you be responsible for unexpected acts of kindness today? _________________________________
Jan 26th 2011 05:01

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Robert... Your right about the Jam.
What a nice post
Questions to be asked every morning
Put it into your plan for the day ahead.

Jan 26th 2011 07:27   
Herbert Gordon Committed   Internet Marketing Consultant
Answer Honestly:

TQ What small kindness can you show someone today?
ANS. Give them a smile

TQ How did you feel the last time someone gave you an unexpected act of kindness?
ANS. Warm and Fuzzy

TQ Where will you be responsible for unexpected acts of kindness today?
ANS. Where ever you go or where ever you are.
Jan 27th 2011 21:17   
Herbert Gordon Committed   Internet Marketing Consultant
When you pay attention to the way you feel, and deliberately choose more thoughts that Feel Good while you think them, you will begin to recognize the nature of your true/real self.
Jan 27th 2011 21:20   
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