The Wellness Zone

Seven Healthy Anti-Aging Care and Treatment Quick Tips

by Scott Cloran Security Officer
Scott Cloran Advanced   Security Officer
Do you find aging as the worst time of your life? Most men and women who are conscious about how they look and feel get so worried as they start nearing 30's and even more so, in the 40's. However, you don't have to look at it that way if you know how to look after your physical body and your mind. It may seem difficult to some, but in reality, it is a lot simpler to take care of your body. You just need to stick to a routine that will make you feel refreshed and great all the time. In this connection, check the following seven tips. Doing these things as early as you can, the better chances you will get of you having a great skin. 

1.) Definitely the first natural anti-aging care treatment, drinking lots of water per day helps make your skin hydrated while your body cleaned and flushed with toxins. Hydrated skin makes you look younger as it tends to look plumper and clearer. So don't forget to count eight glasses of water intake to achieve that youthful and healthy glowing skin.

2.) Second most important anti-aging skin care treatment, eating a healthy and good balanced diet food is a secret to keeping your skin tissues intact and supple. Food diet must include all important food groups. Lots of fibers, fresh fruits, and green leafy vegetables are a staple to a diet if you want your skin to keep looking and feeling younger everyday. They contain minerals and vitamins which are a must because they help repair damaged skin tissues and cells and maintain young skin. You must also cut out fatty, oily, and salty foods from your diet. They easily ruin the objective of having healthy diet.

3.) Another vital component to having that perfectly glowing skin and feeling stronger body, a regular exercise should be done at least thrice a week. It will make you sweat out; thus, releasing the toxins in your body. It work wonders too in keeping your skin cleared and refreshed. Plus, it makes you feel healthier and stronger.

4.) Keep your skin in good shape and in condition by avoiding the sun rays and UV radiations. Sun is the number one factor that can damage the skin. It can even give you premature wrinkles and lines. If you cannot help but stay out, you must at least use a good sun screen lotion or sun block to protect your skin from the damaging rays. It is nice to sport a tan; however, if you are not careful, it can go to a worst scenario as having skin cancer.

5.) Stop smoking and don't drink beyond the limit intake. Smoking is the best way to damage your skin. It contains chemicals that makes your skin age faster. Excessive drinking alcohol is as well harmful. It makes your liver full and thus no longer capable of flushing your body with toxins.

6.) Use anti-aging treatment products that contain antioxidants and ingredients such as retinol, Vitamin C, A, and ceramides. They will work wonders in repairing your slightly damaged skin.

7.) And lastly, keep a positive outlook in life. Live a calm, stress-free life. Life is sometimes difficult, but if your body is constantly stressed out, it releases chemicals that can make you physically or mentally ill. The lack of sleep and lack of good exercise is never good to your body and skin. It's not only the skin that gets affected but your hair as well. And they can really make you look years older than what really your age is.

Scott Cloran
Work from home, Live your dreams !
Dec 28th 2010 18:18

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Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Great tips Scott! We cannot prevent aging, but we can make the best of it! Winter time in a colder climate, is the worst for dry skin, I tend to use more moisturizer and drink more water.
Dec 29th 2010 05:25   
Adam Schwartz Junior   
Did you know your body creates 300 sextillion free radicals every day and one antioxidant can remove only 1:1. Check out protandim on my page, it gets your cells to activate the enzymes in your cells that naturally remove free radicals to eliminate free radicals at a rate of 1,000,000:1 every second of every min of every day. PS it is scientifically proven check out search protandim
Jan 25th 2011 14:12   
Bill Elsenrath Advanced   New Orleans SEO Website Marketing
#7 is where I have a problem with. Sometimes I have a problem with staying positive because I suffer constant pain from back and neck problems. I have degenerative disk disease that is only getting worst with age. Pain meds are not as effective as they use to be and do not want to have a couple of double fusions because of the complications this sometimes causes. What do people do to stay positive when having a condition such as mine?

I am now starting to eat more healthy foods and now taking suppliments. I do not really exercise due to pain but may start to do water exercising because I have herd that may help me.

My internet businesses are a help to keep me positive but now it has turned to an addiction which is causing family problems. I guess too much of a good thing is bad sometimes. I have got to learn to do everything in moderation.

I was told I look young for 58 but my body feels like that of someone 80 years or older.

I just started taking a new supplement and I hope this will help. I had never eaten vegetables all my life but now I am drinking them and actually like the taste of the product. I did not eat vegetables because I could not stand the taste of them.

Now If I can just start exercising a little because I find I do feel better when I exercised in the past.

So I can tell you that keeping a positive outlook on life is very important. I know I feel better when I have positive influences in my life.
Jun 12th 2011 11:28   
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