Your Success Online

It all is about dedication and continuous hard work

by Siddhartha Shanker Website Consultant and Developer
Siddhartha Shanker Innovator   Website Consultant and...
When we think of making money and that too online, we need to think about the whole thing from a different angle. In real sense, if it is a real business, we interact on a regular basis, face to face handle clients and the feedback is almost spontaneous.... Life seems to be easy....

But when it comes to online business... we are always away from the client and there are large gaps that need to be bridged. The online consumers are not only culturally different but also differ a lot in terms of thinking, expectations from the service and so many other things.

So the best way here (as far as my knowledge goes) is to be open and dedicated. If you as an entrepreneur, are open to criticism and take it positively, you have a high chance of success on the online arena.

You should be prepared to work even at odd hours given the fact that your consumers might be from a different time zone altogether and you have to be online with them to clarify and provide support.

Last but not the least, you must have a positive set of mind and the confidence that you would succeed. There are more chances of faltering on the online world but it is just your dedication and the willingness to survive and be successful that would see you on top.

Good Luck to all the new and Budding Online Entrepreneurs.

Dec 18th 2010 10:13

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Laverne Arsenault Committed   Internet Marketer,blogger
well said, thesids, welcome to apsense.please come to my group often you have great insight for success
Dec 18th 2010 14:26   
Toshiba Burton Senior   Social Media Consultant
I have really enjoyed reading your article & its very true dedication, hard work & consistency will get us all there.
Dec 18th 2010 14:58   
Siddhartha Shanker Innovator   Website Consultant and Developer
Thanks ladies for your kind appreciation. I got a pat on my back and hope to write some more of these soon.
Have a great time.
Dec 19th 2010 08:12   
Laverne Arsenault Committed   Internet Marketer,blogger
just was to your website thesids I will recommend this to my friends great information there..
Dec 19th 2010 11:33   
Siddhartha Shanker Innovator   Website Consultant and Developer
Thanks. Unfortunately I had been occupied with some assignments and my blog was neglected over the past few months. I hope and plan to restart regularly soon.
Dec 19th 2010 22:54   
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