Health Product Review

Alternatives to heart bypass surgery

by Dr Priya Sharma Healthcare Professional
Dr Priya Sharma Advanced Healthcare Professional

Medicines are effective in treating patients with stable heart disease having predictable symptoms. The different medications that could be recommended include:
Antiplatelets: These medicines help in the prevention of clotting of blood and reduce the risk of developing problems, such as heart attacks.
Statins: These medicines help in reducing high cholesterol levels.
Beta blockers and nitrates: These medicines help in treating high blood pressure and preventing angina. Nitrates help in relieving chest pain.

Medications help in controlling the symptoms associated with coronary heart disease and also reduce the risk of the condition becoming worse. However, patients with a severe heart condition or patients having a high risk of developing serious heart problems such as heart attacks need a more effective form of treatment, like heart bypass surgery.

Angioplasty and stent placement:

Angioplasty is a minimally-invasive procedure that involves the insertion of a balloon catheter into a blood vessel in the arm or groin region and guided to the heart using the help of x-rays.

The balloon attached to the catheter will then be inflated to widen the narrowed coronary artery and improve blood flow to the heart.

A stent is a small metal, mesh tube that is placed inside the narrowed artery to keep it open. Angioplasty and stent placement are usually performed together.

Since this is a lesser invasive procedure, the recovery time is quicker and there is less discomfort to the patient during and after the procedure compared to heart bypass surgery.

Endoscopic heart bypass surgery or robotic coronary bypass surgery:

This procedure involves accessing and repairing the heart using a small 1.5-inch incision or a few tiny incisions across the chest wall, rather than opening the chest through a large incision down the middle of the chest.

An endoscope (tube with a camera and light on one end) is inserted through a tiny incision along with small surgical instruments to carry out the heart surgery.

Robotic bypass surgery is performed in a similar manner, but it is performed using robotic arms that are controlled by the cardiac surgeon. The procedure used a hybrid approach that blends robotic bypass grafting with coronary artery stenting to restore the blood flow to the heart without opening the chest region.

These procedures are quick, offer more precision, have a rapid recovery, cause little pain, and have a decreased risk of developing complications compared to heart bypass surgery.

Chelation therapy:

This form of non-surgical treatment is based on a chemical process that will remove the toxic metals and minerals from the body.

Coronary artery disease develops due to the deposition of cholesterol along the walls of the coronary arteries. This cholesterol will combine with calcium and fat to form plaques, leading to the obstruction of the blood vessels.

Chelation therapy involves injecting a chelating substance, known as EDTA, into the bloodstream intravenously (into the vein) or giving it orally in the form of a pill. EDTA will combine with metals in the body, such as lead, calcium, and arsenic. This is finally excreted from the body through urine.

Chelation therapy fails to work in severe cases of coronary heart disease. Your doctor will guide you on whether or not you are a good candidate to undergo this procedure.

Enhanced external counter pulsation (EECP):

EECP is generally recommended in patients who suffer from poor heart function and chest pain.

The procedure involves wrapping the legs and buttocks of the patient with large blood pressure-like cuffs. The cuffs are deflated and inflated at specified intervals of times between the heartbeats of the patient. The timing between the heartbeats will be set with the help of a continuous electrocardiogram (ECG), which will enable the inflation of the cuffs when the heart is at rest. This will help the heart to get its normal supply of blood and oxygen. The cuffs will deflate at the end of the rest period and just before the next heartbeat starts. The oxygen levels and pressure waves created are monitored continuously.

EECP therapy will help in the expansion of the networks of the small blood vessels or capillaries and helps in developing new pathways around the blocked arteries. This will result in an increased blood flow and also normalization of the flow of blood to the heart muscles.

This procedure is given for one hour each day, five days a week for a total of 35 hours.
Apr 3rd 2023 08:27

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