The Law of Attraction Group

The Universe is your friend.

by Charles Obagho PET PROTECTOR
Charles Obagho Committed   PET PROTECTOR
And the Universe plays this game with you EVERY single day.

But rather than say HOT or COLD,
the Universe guides you with feelings. Positive feelings mean you?re
moving towards something good for you. Negative feelings mean you?re
headed in the wrong direction.

You may wake up one morning feeling negative about your job. The
repetitive work is boring you, you feel underappreciated, you just don?t
feel you?re doing something you love. The negative feelings are a sign
from the Universe that you need to change direction immediately.
Changing direction does not mean quitting your job this instant ? but it
does mean you need to do something to fix your present situation.

You might feel the same way about your marriage, your career, your
body, your home ? the negative feelings are alarm bells going off. The
Universe is saying ?Warning Charles, You?re thinking thoughts that are
not the reality you wish to face. Keep thinking them and you?ll only
increase the likelihood of these situations coming to you. You need to
find a way to change your thoughts FAST!?.

Your Emotions are therefore, a warning system from your Soul. Pay
attention to them, so that you?ll only attract into your reality things
that are good for you.
Dec 9th 2010 07:29

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Roosevelt Evans III Professional   Home Business Entrepreneur
To me The Universe and God are one and the same in that both are are Friend, both are for us, both love us. God is the personaliation of The Universe and the Universe is the de-personalizaton of God.
Feb 26th 2011 10:54   
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