Private Group

I found an artist for the cover

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Lorin is in my downline here. I had noticed his work at the OMG group on FaceBook, very interesting group, BTW.

OMG means Our Masterminds Group. It was created by Cory Crabb, fellow member here.

I have already started discussing with Lorin. He's ready to do the cover for free. I will then have other assignments for him. We might use the cover image he makes on sales pages, RevPages, etc...

Wincer saw the images below, his reaction was : "cool"

The name of the artist is :

Lorin Adascalitei

Merry Christmas
Dec 8th 2010 23:14

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Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
I like his works above. The first picture kind of describes our aspiration. Presently scattered, but, ultimately accomplished.

I agree with you that you have got the man to design the cover.

Congrats. And compliments.
Dec 9th 2010 02:36   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Thanks for the feedback, bro. :)

And for the compliment. A pat on the back is always welcome.

I have something to ask you guys.

Let each member of the group find free pictures on the Net that could represent best what the eBook is about. The picture that the whole team agrees is best will be given to Lorin to inspire him and come out with his own version.

No worry, we don't need to do it this week. As you all know, we have plenty of time.

I'll tell Lorin it might take a few weeks before I give him the chosen picture. I'll wait until then to invite him in the group, to let him see what the eBook is about, if that's ok with all of you. I think we need to discuss this, now that I think about it, cause I trust you all, but we don't know anything about Lorin. Maybe I will just show him excerpts from a draft of the eBook, what do you think ?
Dec 9th 2010 07:24   
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