Private Group

A powerful suggestion

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hi guys,

I just thought of something.

I'd like to believe it's a wonderful idea.

Yesterday, I created a paid subscription group here at ApSense.

I called it "Internet Marketing from the Heart".

There will be a 30-day trial, then $7 a month.

Here is my suggestion. For Nnamdi, IMO, it's obvious what he can do with it, especially since I have knowledge in that department.

I suggest that you create paid subcription groups of your own.

And a free group that accompany it.

I have already done that.

I have my "Achieve work-life balance" group. There, I talk about life, work, time mamagement, business building general information that don't take much time to grasp or apply.

My IMH group will be about advanced IM concepts that won't be for the faint of heart.

Don't worry, I'm not talking about blackhat, scam, or illegal techniques or information,

Just tricks and resources that will help members get more success, IMHO.

Nnamdi, I suggested you create a group for quality writing, or something like that.

Your paid group could be something like "Advanced writing techniques"

If you charge $7 per month, just like me, with a you already have a subscriber in your group. :)

Not to brag here, but let's say that people see that I, Dawie, and Sean are in your group, it will probably help with its credibility.

By the time people realize the four of us are associates, in a few months, hopefully, each of us will have delivered awesome info in our paid groups and the subcsribers won't feel like they've been ripped off, they will be happy to have discovered our groups.

I'm not saying every ApSense members will get into each of our groups.

Personally, if Dawie created a paid group for scams, I'm not sure I would go there, cause I'm not passionate about the subject.

However, I've always wanted to write science-fiction novels for a living, so Nnamdi, you see where I'm coming from when I say I will get into your group.

Dec 4th 2010 11:08

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Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
This suggestion is good. I will try to create the groups in the next week. I have to catch up on my office duties.

We have just had our Audit Committee Meeting [on Sunday!] and will finalize the accounts in the next 2 days, etc.
Dec 5th 2010 09:09   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Your idea just gave me the idea of creating a discussion where we will introduce ourselves to each other. I guess we can find the information in each other's profiles, but I present mine here, it will be more focused on what I bring on the table, meaning some details about my background for the past 20 years, my interests and hobbies, what I want to do online and offline
Dec 5th 2010 12:40   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Luckily we all know each other quite well already, but i must agree that my profile does not contain much of my history. Very good idea Philippe. As for the paid groups, i have a group in mind for myself for the future, as i explained to you Scams is just my hobby, it has nothing to do with what i am involved in as far as business is concerned. But more of that in the near future.
Sean is also now a member here, so the group is complete. We can now really start to get the ball on the roll.
Dec 7th 2010 18:35   
Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
My profile did not mention that I am a trained Auditor. I worked as an External Auditor for about eleven years[my first job] and as Internal Auditor for five years.

What can that tell you about me?
Dec 8th 2010 06:06   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Nnamdi, that tells me we are in good hands.

LOL. You auditors are perfectionists in your work, so we better give quality drafts here, otherwise you will hammer us.:)
Dec 8th 2010 06:16   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Uh, Dawie, I'm not worried about the quality of my work, I know I'm damn good :)

One more thing, my friend. Even if I wasn't so good, Nnamdi has to take a plane or a boat to reach me. Well, swimming is possible,but winter is coming here, so swimming to Florida first is an awful detour.

He can reach you by walking. ;)


I don't know if I'm really damn good, but I sure try to be very funny. :)
Dec 8th 2010 06:23   
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