Weight Loss Embassy

Weight Loss Basic Tips

by Elitel O. Affiliate Markerter
Elitel O. Senior   Affiliate Markerter
In order to reach your goals of losing weight you need some weight loss basic tips to guide you on your journey to a healthier you. You need to cast off the thought of subscribing to some fad diet that gives you risky and unproven methodologies for achieving miraculous weight loss results over night. What you need is a plan that can provide you with time tested and proven reliable steps to take to lose weight in a safe and effective manner. Weight loss can be boiled down to a fundamental equation: you have to expend more calories than you consume. This is best done by reducing your caloric intake and increasing your activity level.

Lets take a look at some startling statistics. In the United States 64% of the population is considered to be overweight. Of that group 27% are classified as being obese, 400,000 deaths a year have been linked to obesity. Alarmingly these statistics cover varying age groups from all walks of life. Even children are becoming increasingly represented among these demographics. Far too many of us are leading sedentary existences and relying on fast food and junk food as staples in our dietary arsenal. So how do we go about getting off this merry go round and take the necessary steps to improved health and reduced weight.

You need to adopt some weight loss basics that will lead to a better functioning and fit body and it starts with diet. Any diet approach that you take should include the following: a wealth of fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein, nuts and seeds, low fat dairy products, and fish. Make a journal about what you currently eat. Does it contain any of the afore mentioned food products? If not than you need to change it for the better. Begin to include whole grains in your diet. For breakfast eat more oatmeal, a whole grain product that can help to reduce cholesterol. Start most meals with a green salad, this will fill you with vegetable sources and you'll be less inclined to binge at meals. One thing you should avoid doing on any diet is to deprive yourself of something you want to eat. Its alright to occasionally have a treat that deviates from strict adherence to dietary guidelines as long as its a slice of cake and not the whole cake.

Get up off that couch and get moving, exercise is vital to your reaching any weight reduction objectives. Take a walk in your community or in the park, exercise is a weight loss basic tip that not only can lead to the shedding of pounds but it can improve your appearance and increase your stamina. If you're not the outdoors type you can take your exercise routine indoors, get a tread mill or a stationary cycle. You should plan to get 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, add in the use of light weights twice weekly and you'll be doing fine. If its been some time since you last exercised take things slow. Check with your physician before you begin your exercise program in earnest,its best to know your limitations if you have any before hand and reduce the likelihood of injury. So there you have it, if you'll follow these weight loss basic tips you will find your way to success.

For more information visit: http://elitel-weightlosstips.blogspot.com

Article by T Malvin Curtis
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com
Dec 4th 2010 06:38

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