
I am lucky to have my kids

by Lori S. Entrepreneur
Lori S. Advanced   Entrepreneur
I am very lucky. I have two wonderful kids and they mean everything to me even though they don't listen all the time I love them and wouldn't know what to do without  them.
Nov 27th 2010 18:54

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Vijaya Lakshmi Committed   Writer, Health Consultant
Hi Lori, You are a good mother and blessed to have two wonderful children.
Nov 28th 2010 07:43   
Ron Magee Senior   Income Creator
Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I have 3 grown children now with children of their own, 8 grandchildren in all. Grandkids are great in that you can spoil them and send them home but I am still involved in raising some of them to a degree and am interested in what techniques are being used today as well as being able to put in my 2 cents worth
Dec 5th 2010 07:38   
Vijaya Lakshmi Committed   Writer, Health Consultant
@Ron, you have a big family then with many kids there. Thanks to share about you.
Dec 5th 2010 10:29   
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