The Law of Attraction Group

How Getting To Know Yourself Can Change Your Life.

by Dawie Bezuidenhout Systems Engineer I.T.
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Getting to know yourself is vital to your personal growth. By
taking some time out to understand yourself, you open doors that
will ultimately help you be a better and more respected person.

It may sound strange to some people how could you not know yourself.
After all, you have been around for many years, apparently being


The problem is in today's society, we are often so busy being
someone's mother, father, son, daughter or even employee and living
up to those expectations that we lose track of who we really are

inside and what makes us happy as an individual.

Why It Is Important To Know Yourself

It is said in the bible, the oldest book known to man, that we must
first learn how to love ourselves before we can love others. To
love ourselves, we must know what makes us happy, what our faults

are and what our strengths are.

All of these things must be accepted as being a part of who we are.
If we can't accept all of the things that make us an individual, we
are unable to love and accept our fellow man and live a happy and

peaceful life.

As a child, you loved unconditionally, but you also accepted
others as well as yourself without question. It is this child-like
approach to yourself and others that is the key to getting to know


Understand that you are the way that you are because of your life's
experiences. Accept that your life has made you the way that you
are. But that doesn't mean that you are powerless to change your

life for the better.

Look for your good points, consider the bad points, but accept that
you cannot change who you are. But you can change the things in

your life that make you unhappy.

If you can do this, you will be better equipped to love, learn and
care for others whether they are your spouse, children, family,

friends or even your fellow man.

Steps To Take To Get To Know Yourself Better

The first step that you will need to take in the journey of getting
to know yourself better is to have some time on your own. Choose a
place that is peaceful, whether it is late at night when everyone

has gone to bed or whether it is outside on the beach.

It really doesn't matter where you go as long as you find a quiet

place where you can reflect on your life without being interrupted.

Sit quietly for a while and try to hush the chatter in your mind,
you know that little voice telling you to remember the trash needs
to be taken out tonight and the kids need to be picked up from
practice. Push everything, out of your mind and sit there quietly

for a while.

Tell yourself that your current reality is no longer what you want
and you are no longer happy with the way your reality is
manifesting in your life. You need a change and visualize those

changes occurring in your life.

Ask yourself what is making you unhappy? What no longer works in
your life? See what needs to be changed and then visualize these

changes exactly as you would like to see them happen in your life.

Visualization is a very powerful tool that will allow you to make
the changes you so desperately need in your life, as well as
understand more about the things that you have forgotten were

important to you.

By visualizing things in your mind, you are planting seeds of
change. These seeds then sprout into your logical way of thinking
and you begin to make moves toward change without really noticing


Opportunities are around us everywhere, although many of us don't
see them, simply because we do not see them for what they are. By
using visualization in your life to point you towards new

opportunities, you are opening up your mind.
Making opportunities seemingly fall into your lap.


Getting to know yourself better and learning to open new doors to
bring you closer to your goals is easily achievable. But to reach
this stage, you must first be able to accept yourself, warts and


Have the courage to change the things that you are able to
change to make you a better person. But the things that you are
unable to change must be recognized, then accepted before you can

make changes to your life for the better.

Use visualization as your main tool. See the things in your life
that you want to change and visualize how they will affect your
life for the better. Then visualize your life once these changes

have occurred.

By doing this, you have planted the seeds of change that will
blossom into an array of new opportunities. Be your own
best friend and you will never have a shortage of admirers.


If you want to bring phenomenal results into your life,
practice this technique and leave each person you meet
with the "Impression of Increase"...
Nov 25th 2010 04:45

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Love your post Dawie.
It should be read and put into action by all.

To sing like Marie Osmond would be wonderful,
But I KNOW for a fact I will never be able to do that
So I will just listen to her wonderful music on the
radio, tape or CD.

Work with what ya got!!

Visualization is indeed a very powerful tool.
It is so much more than day dreaming as some would suggest.

Good stuff

Nov 26th 2010 12:42   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Thank you Cindy, i am glad you enjoyed it. I am enjoying that course you gave me, there is some unique pointers i have not applied yet. Will follow it with serious intend.

I see you are still very busy, as i keep missing you here.
Don't overwork yourself, i have been doing that.
Now i am taking things a bit easier.


Nov 26th 2010 14:12   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
I just posted about that Dawie. being busy!!

Glad your enjoying the course.
I have a book that when I find I will pass it on as well.
I could use a bit of computer organization.
I always think I will remember where I put things
When I find them I wonder what I must have been drinking to think that was a good spot!

Is that just me?

Nov 26th 2010 14:41   
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