Creative Writing

Creative Writing Creates Sales

by Dave Gilbert Web Entreprenuer
Dave Gilbert Senior   Web Entreprenuer
During the course of my normal day I get to see a ton of Blogs,Articles and Ads, it's all part and parcel of my work.

One of the common mistakes i see many authors making is their writing is Flat, Impersonal and quite frankly Boring, it lacks the key elements that make for great posts, elements that engage the reader and and make them want to keep reading and then go looking for more.

Most of the materials i get to see look more like a technical manual than a sales pitch, they provide lots of facts and figures and reason why you should consider following the advice or purchasing the product but they lack the human touch the words that make the reader feel a part of the writing.

Using parables

One of the most effective ways of getting a message across that I have found is the use of Parables, little stories that demonstrate or verbally illustrate the message I want to convey.

These can be humorous or quite serious but should always lead the reader to a desired conclusion.

The Anatomy of a Written Work:

When i start writing I first hash out a rough outline of what i want to write about, this blueprint is easy to create as the sections mostly mirror those areas in the submission form used to publish your article/

Your Title
The category it will belong to
The description or overview
The Tags
The main content
Any images to be included

Creating this list will assist you in maintaining focus and producing a better written work.

Adding Humor:

Humor?is a great way to engage your audience and ensure they read your whole document and when mixed as a parable or anecdote it can really boost the popularity of your works, sure some will come just for a laugh however a majority will have a chuckle and then hit the purchase button, humor can also make your message memorable for your readers something they will show their friends and colleagues and turn what could be a boring topic totally viral.

Humorous ?images can also reinforce your message and cement it in the minds of your readers.

Over Repetition:

One of the main turn offs to me is when i see a page of writing that repeats the same message over and over, we have all seen those long sales letters that seem to be endless and where every paragraph carries the same message, blasting our senses in the hope that we will continue to suffer this sensory overload until we reach the bottom of the page and then so numbed by this attack that we click the purchase button in a desperate attempt to escape.

Fonts,Style, Size and Color:

If you decide to use variations in size and color to emphasize or highlight important sections of your publication you should try to remember that if the color is to light or to dark ?it will affect the readers ability to see and adsorb that critical information the same goes for size if you make it too big then the message may well be broken and difficult to read in the way you as the writer want it read.

You should always consider the font you use .. will it make it hard to read...will it obscure the message, bolding and italics can also severely affect the ?performance of your writings so should be used in moderation.


If you can manage to breathe some life into your articles and not make them overly technical or garish then you will see better results,

Nov 18th 2010 19:52

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