Peoplestring Support Group

Por fin voy a solicitar mi primer pago!

by Esther D. Cocinera
Esther D. Advanced Cocinera
Parece una tonter?a pero me hace ilusi?n,,,,como estoy en tantos sitios voy rotando los pagos de forma que todos los meses cobro algo,sino es de un sitio es de otro,y esta vez le toc? a Peoplestring.

Bueno ya les contar? lo que tardo en cobrar,....suerte.......un saludo
Nov 12th 2010 01:31

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Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
It takes just a little patience and working the system correctly to reach payouts.
Congrats, on reaching yours, just make sure you have completed the tax form in the backoffice to recieve payment.
If you need help with that contact me and i will be glad to assist you.
Nov 12th 2010 04:09   
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