25 and under

Plan4Power by Cathy Romine

by Cathy Romine SEO Advertising | SEO Online
Cathy Romine Professional   SEO Advertising | SEO Online
Well Hello Cyndi,

Let me help you since you are advertising the Best Plan
on the net.
Absolutely $25, never another penny out of pocket.

Here's a few words to the wise to help you out with how
Great P4P is.

Hello to all you folks ..

Thought I would try and highlight the group
here at P4P. Shed alittle light on
what makes P4P different then anything you
have seen before.

Not sure if you have noticed how things work
on the Internet, but no matter what you try
or join, there seems to be a never ending
request for more of your hard earned dol-lars.

Social networking comes to mine. Alot of
those popping up lately. Trouble is, they keep
asking me for mon-ey. Never fails. Everything
is fr-ee till you sign up, then it starts. Solo ad here
and another new dodad there. Gently picking at
your wallet to make some Ezine owner a bit
smarter then you.

I just want you to know here and now, P4P
doesn't work like that. Matter of fact, just the
opposite. P4P begs you NOT to spend anything.
Sounds crazy I know, but true.

Ya see, when a website tells you something and
it turns out not to be quite the way they said it
was, you have the same thing as all the rest.
A program or product that needs help.
A program that just wants more of your mon-ey.

Kind of like buying a car without the wheels,
Pretty car, but for another couple hundred they
will give you the round rubber things that will
make it roll forward.

I want you to know about Plan4Power because
it is different. You spend 25 bucks. That means
you are done spending, flat out. Nothing more out
of your wallet is needed. I mean it. Nothing.

What is needed is your attention and desire to
make something for yourself. You don't need to
go tossing mon-ey every-which-way to succeed.
Plan4Power is all about teaching you that.
That's why somebody invented the Internet for us.. LOL
So we could talk to each other and help each other.

Plan4Power does have a plan. One that involves
working as a group and the group helping the
newest of us sort through these shark infested

My advice is for everyone to sign up at the
Team Builders Group. Get in there and work with
those folks. Learn what they have to share.
They don't want your mon-ey, just your attention.

Those of us who have products to sell, you couldn't
be at a better place. You have a very large group
that may need what you are selling. Remember I
said products, not more mon-ey games.

I just bought a solar oven from a Plan4Power member.
Wonderful product that really works. (If the sun is out..LOL)

So in closing, get involved with P4P. Use what you
have here. By working with Plan4Power, you
are helping yourself succeed. Actually it is more fun
then work. Sales of a product is the
secret they teach. Something in short supply

Sign up here, http://plan4power.org/?cathyromine
You won't find a more honest and straight up
group of people anywhere. Learn something
while you are still young. I finally did.
Just in time too..LOL

These are my ramblings for the day. I don't own
Plan4Power. Nobody does. We own themselves.
I just like what this group stands for.

Helping folks instead of hurting them.

Thanks for reading and holler if you have questions.

Cathy Romine
Jun 6th 2007 22:41

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