Postive Thinking

Positive Thinking and Good Health are Related

by Robert (Bob) Timper Marketer
Robert (Bob) Timper Professional   Marketer
"Optimism is more closely related to good health than you might think. We all know the stories about cancer patients that, through their positive attitude, overcame all and recovered. Pessimists often shun the always-positive views of optimists. They call it wishful thinking, having your head in the clouds. Optimists accept everyone and can find happiness in every situation. This is just another sign that positive thinking and good health are related.

Contrary to what many pessimists believe, most optimists are not out of touch with reality, believing their thoughts alone can cure a disease or put a stop to heartache. What they do understand, and what you can understand too, is that there is a connection between positive thinking and good health because optimists refuse to give up. Understanding will power is a very influential insight. When you believe in yourself and what you are doing, your chances of success are increased tenfold. This can be called the placebo effect.

If someone is told that a particular thing will make them feel better or make them stronger, optimists will believe it. Skeptical people may find it harder to believe and will therefore see less of an impact. Have you ever taken cold medicine and far sooner than it should have kicked in, you feel better? This is because you believe with your whole mind that once you take that pill you will feel better. Your will power kicks in and you end up helping yourself. This is where you can see the benefits of positive thinking and good health.

Not everyone is a positive thinker by nature. How can pessimists change their thought behavior? The most important thing is the desire to change. If you really want to start thinking positively, you have to commit to it. There are support groups to help those who are really struggling with being happy and positive. These groups teach participants to discuss their health matters and other issues with people outside of the group who are not emotionally engrossed in the situation. By doing this, pessimistic people struggling with an illness can find support from multiple sources and begin the transition from pessimist to optimist and see the connection between positive thinking and good health.

If you are struggling with your health or are simply seeking to stay healthy, never forget that positive thinking and good health are interrelated. Being an optimist does not mean you have lost touch with reality. It means you give yourself power to overcome all your troubles and adversities."
Oct 30th 2010 15:12

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Robert (Bob) Timper Professional   Marketer
Positive thinkers have related to me that this really works...
Nov 7th 2010 18:02   
Tony Denson Advanced   Local Market Consultant
My children are 14 and 11 years old. Neither one of them have ever seen me sick or even have to visit a doctor. Yes believing that I am in constant health does work.
Nov 13th 2010 06:44   
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