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Cyclers, Matrices, What?

by Helen Smith Consultant
Helen Smith Committed   Consultant
From the offers I've been getting lately, and because the world wide web evolves so quickly I am forced to wonder what is going on.

Are the cycler, Matrices, and Team builds the face of what's to come? 

The cyclers are exciting for sure, but if there are people in your downline who cannot afford to jump in on everyone that opens up(which is hourly it seems(lol)),wouldn't this be discouraging to them!  After all these programs require massive joining to move, and pay quickly.  I know they promise no referring but experience shows differently. 

If you don't have a dowline of thousands of people who are so desparate to succeed, they will try anything you offer, you will sit there until Maybe just Maybe you get your money back before the program folds.

Then you have the Matrices, a bit more functional in my opinion.  These require an ability to recruit.  What is the going number 2X2?   When I cam online eons ago it was 3 to get 3.  Anyway what about those people who are not persuasive?  I know we promise to get on the phone with them and help to get their 2, but what if they can't get 2. They are left wondering if they cut the grade.

Now we have the Team Builds.  A great concept, however mostly you have to join programs the founder, and his crew have interests in.  What about your interests, what about the programs you believe in?  The team builds online now promote ws, traffic wave, and a host of traffic exchanges.  These are all great programs, and I am a member of a lot of them, however they are not programs I would want to suggest to someone that they could change their financial situation with.  These are TOOLS.  Tools needed to create a online presence, and there are plenty more where they came from.

So what do we do?  I say:  BACK TO THE BASICS!





There is a world of opportunity waiting for you.  HAVE FUN!

Just my opinion.

Helen Smith
Oct 26th 2010 09:15

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Heather Clark Committed   Clarks Handmade Gifts
I am totally with you on that line of thinking. With all the biz ops out there, whether you get 1 or 100, if they aren't doing anything.... I am getting ready to return to my original business, which is offline, making jewelry, jewelry boxes, towel sets and some of my other original creative designs... Time to go retro. Good Luck and thanks for the great information my friend...
Oct 27th 2010 02:40   
Helen Smith Committed   Consultant
Heather, the one thing I left out was don't give up! If you haven't got the result re-evaluate, and change your approach. The creations you do off-line certainly go back to them if they work for you, however incorporate them in your marketing. There are many people who are not gifted in crafts, and would love to purchase special gifts. I look forward to seeing your gift shop ONLINE!
Oct 27th 2010 08:39   
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