Marketing Ethics

What? What? - English, Do you speak it Mother&*^%$#?

by Warren Day
Warren Day Senior  
Sorry for the garbage characters in the title but there are two good reasons for them

1. Profanity is not allowed in this group (and I wanted to use the Pulp Fiction quote)
2. Garbage is very relevant to this rant

Before I get started,
Let me state that I have no problem with semi-broken english for a few reasons

a) this site has members from all over the world and I value their input
b) a good idea is more important than some minor grammar or spelling mistakes
c) English is a very hard language to learn, having borrowed from many other languages

Let the rant begin ...

I have read a few BIZARRE posts lately that I assume were written by a program because they made absolutely no sense, none whatsoever!

If you have seen them you know exactly what I'm talking about

rambling nonsensical passages comprised of random words with no relation to the intended subject (usually shoes and I'm unaware of why that is)
I would greatly prefer to see no english and be forced to use Google translate, Translate isn't perfect but I've never seen it fail as hard as these posts.
Despite being unilingual, I'm not in favor of English only rules but this type of nonsense is exactly why admins institute such rules.

What do you think of these assaults on our eyes and the english language?
Oct 15th 2010 22:57

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Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
The shoe subject maybe due to an fetish of some sort.
I have seen these posts as well, it is starting to work on my nerves. The funny thing is that there is more than one user posting the same garbage.
"Report Abuse" is maybe the way forward, for our sanity and the other members.
Oct 15th 2010 23:16   
Warren Day Senior   
I'm also tempted to report these posts, generally I would prefer to give some advice but I'm not certain they would even understand.

I'm also wondering why the posters are so similar, they all seem to be attractive women and I think I've seen more than one of them using the timberland link.
Does anyone even consider buying shoes after seeing that garbage?
If I did need new shoes, I still won't hit their link.
Oct 15th 2010 23:26   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
I have reported these members to Bill, i don't know what happened to the others.
It looks like someone created multiple memberships, and they post the same rubbish. Their homepages are the same as well.
Something to note, it is all canada sale sites, with chinese women pictures. (They must think the members here are stupid)
Oct 15th 2010 23:34   
Warren Day Senior   
I did notice that the timberland link was Canadian. That's something else I didn't like, I'm going to start reporting Canadian websites to the CRTC (Federal Govt) though I fear a lack of change other than my blood pressure rising.
Oct 16th 2010 09:45   
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