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Hi From Las Vegas!!

by Brad West Business Promotion & Consulting
Brad West Advanced   Business Promotion &...
Thank You Valerie for taking the time to invite me to your group!!!

Hi Everyone,

Brad West I live in Las Vegas NV. with my wife, daughter, and my best friend Zed. No not the Zed from Pulp Fiction, He is my 25 lb., black and white, jack russell terrier, From England.

I have been in marketing since 1984 I have been on the internet long enough to adapt to the dynamics. But the basics are the same Networking and relationships create Love, Trust, & Money.

My desire and energy right now is focused on networking, building and supporting communities here on the net. My Goal is to Empower the impoverished working class. The Plan4Power Group

I participate in about 200 forums and groups.

My wife and I have admin two free ad forums of our own

Our Debt Free Life
A Community 4 New Relationships, Better Health, & Greater Profits

Our Debt Free Life Ads Only
Free For All Ad Forums

The first success community I got involved with is The Plan4Power Group, I am still to this day building for our future with Bruce and Debora. Very Exciting!!

I am the Co-Founder of CMU7 community Marketing University! We are a Earn While You Learn Community!! We are growing with your help,

We are having so much success networking and marketing on the internet our 12 year old daughter got excited and started her own business!!

May your prosperity be more abundant than your wants or desires?
let’s all have fun think big and prosper in every facet of life.

Jun 6th 2007 15:54

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner

My first question is how do you and you wife keep up with 200 forums? Wow that is a network.

Love this - go post it in our tip section for me.
I have been in marketing since 1984 I have been on the internet long enough to adapt to the dynamics. But the basics are the same Networking and relationships create Love, Trust, & Money.

Jun 6th 2007 21:24   
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