How To Smile

The Number 1 Way To Smile.... Drum Roll Please....

by Marie Gervacio Brilliant Body Success Coach
Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
Make someone else smile!

There are lots of ways to help make someone smile. Can you think of ways to help others smile... besides giving them one of your genuine smiles... ;)

... you could give them something like an inspirational book... they will probably smile and think of you too whenever they pick it up to get a shot of inspiration. don't always put a smile on your face (remember the bunny outfit in "The Christmas Story" lol - when you give think of the receivers likes - not your own.

I have a gift for you. It has a broad range of uses. I really like it and hope most of you do too. Mostly I hope it brings you a smile. There is no signup form - you don't even need to signup to the group to get it. Just click the link to download the zip file for: SnapVideoPro (it even includes the PLR files) Enjoy!

Please post your projects or post how you used this cool tool!
Jun 6th 2007 14:42

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Janet R. Senior   
Hello Marie,
thank you for your positive way to live your life and try to teach others to do the same.A smile is one of the most important things in life - how dull would it be without!
For today I would like to add something to think about:

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Have a wonderful week and here is a big :) 4u,
P.S. Thanks for your gift - will try to figure it out ;-)
Jun 11th 2007 22:10   
Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
Hi Janet,

Thank you for sharing a "smile quote"! It will be nice when more people stop by and share smiles!

Thanks for your :) too.

As for the gift enjoy! If any questions simply ask. I will be posting more periodically in each of my groups with a main post from my treasure hunt group.

Shine Your Star!
Jun 11th 2007 22:26   
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