Traffic Exchanges: Which ones Work for you?

Being Patient does pay off

by Linda R. Animal Rescuer/Thrift Store Owner
Linda R. Advanced Animal Rescuer/Thrift Store...
I have learned that you do not make money very fast in pretty much any business and if you be patient and do what is necessary you will earn even in mlm and related businesses. I have to say some people are so impatient that they maybe should not quit their day job. I can't work so I try to earn money in other ways and this is where these programs come in for me, I can read emails, check out opportunities and so on and get paid for them or earn credits to help advertise and get new leads and down-lines.  I also think that research I have done so far shows that a lot of the traffic exchange sites and programs are worth the effort and pay off but just like any other business it is not get rich quick jobs but residual earning potential.  I don't care how much they brag and promise that is fast money and get rich quick it will never be....
Sep 18th 2010 19:48

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Nick Grimshawe Senior   Personal Development Coach
I agree, patience and persistence are the two keys to anything you do.

Sep 23rd 2010 22:23   
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