
Hot new diet plan acia berry

by gilbert
gilbert Innovator  
There?s been so much hype about the acai berry diet that?s it?s become almost impossible for the ordinary person like you and me to sift through all the fabrications and outrageous claims in order to discover the real truth about the weight loss properties of this remarkable little Brazilian palm berry.

Can one really lose weight by taking concentrated acai berry supplements you ask yourself, or is it all just a tall story - just another online scam to wring cash out of your credit card?

First of all, the fact that there has been so much hype about the acai berry in the press and on TV tells us that there must be some truth about its "miraculous" weight loss, anti-oxidant and healing properties. But just when you?re ready to believe that, yes, there is something substantially remarkable about this purple so-called "superfruit", people come out with the most outrageous claims - especially online - claiming that they had lost a phenomenal amount of weight in an unbelievably short space of time (like 30 pounds in 3 days!) and that the weight just "dropped off" their bodies with absolutely no effort at all.

Well, let?s just think about that one for a moment. If you have been dieting like me for most of your adult life, and have participated in more diets than you care to remember, or mention in polite company (fad diets, soup diets, starvation diets, pills, capsules, supplements, milkshakes - the list is endless) then you will know that there is no diet in this world that is an instant "magic solution" to everybody?s weight loss problems. If that were true, there would be no fat people in the world. We?d all simply take a pill and our weight problems would miraculously disappear.

Serious dieting requires a serious holistic approach.

Yes, in my experience the acai berry concentrated supplement diet does work , but allow me to qualify that statement: It does aid weight loss by suppressing your appetite. And it does speed up your metabolism, thereby aiding in the burning of calories. But?..and here comes that but: like every other diet, you will get out of the acai berry diet the amount of effort you put into the diet. When I say you need to take the holistic approach, I mean you need to eat sensibly, and combine at least some exercise with your diet plan. Do not expect to pig out on barrels of ice cream and other junk food daily, and then rely on your acai berry supplement to melt the fat away miraculously in 3 or 7 days. I mean, that?s just a plain crazy way of approaching a diet, don?t you agree?

Like with every other diet, the acai berry diet needs serious effort and commitment on your part. If you are prepared to invest the effort combined with a concentrated acai supplement, you will see great and lasting results over time. How much time? Well, that depends on your personal weight loss goal and the amount of effort you are willing to invest in your weight loss plan.

And just a small cautionary note: Not all advertised acai berry supplements are concentrated and pure. Some of these so-called supplements are sub-standard so that the suppliers can increase their profit margins. So be cautious before purchasing your trial supply of the supplement.

I have found the link at the bottom of this article a reliable source of high grade acai berry supplement. Let me just repeat, I cannot guarantee the amount of weight you will lose, or how long it will take to reach your goal. But what I can promise you is this: if you select a good grade concentrated acai berry supplement, and you take a sensible holistic approach to your diet i.e. regular exercise and a sensible eating plan combined with acai berry - then you will see great results. I certainly did. Why don?t you visit h t t p : / / g i l b e r t v a r e l a - a h e a l t h y n e w l o o k . b l o g s p o t . c o m  for further information, or to order a really good quality concentrated acai diet supplement.
Sep 6th 2010 11:31

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Lily A. Committed   Affiliate Marketer
The diete industry is one of the most subjected for hype, it's difficult to really know what's for real or no...
Sep 13th 2010 05:28   
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