Marketing on the Internet

Ezine marketing

by Joanne Ott
Joanne Ott Advanced  
Ezines are a great and inexpensive way to advertise your business opportunity. There are thousands of ezines on almost every subject, here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Pick the ezines that your target market subscribes to. There are many ezines on the subject of network marketing and home businesses, but you may want to narrow it down. You can find ezines on travel if you are marketing a travel business, or on health, or almost any other subject.

2. Subscribe to any that you are considering advertising to. There should be good quality content, as well as not too many ads. It should offer something of value and interest to their subscribers and be something they look forward to receiving each time.

3. How many subscribers do they have, and has it been increasing or decreasing? If an ezine is losing subscribers it is probably due to content or perhaps they are sending out too many. Anything more than twice a week and many people are going to opt out rather quickly.

4. Pay for only solo ads or top sponsor ads. These cost more but are going to be seen by many more people and so therefore the likelihood of you getting sign ups is much greater. The solo ad is most effective because it is sent separately from the ezine itself.

5. How many solo ads does the ezine send out every week? One or two each week is enough. Many subscribers don't want too many ads.

Ezine marketing delivers some of the most responsive and fastest converting prospects in the industry when it is done right. These tips should help you get the most for your advertising dollars.

Jun 6th 2007 01:26

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