Publishing Online

Writing and publishing online

by Teodor M. Blockchain Real Estate
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Hello Friends,

My name is Teodor Miroslav Muntean, from Romania,
a country with fantastic landscapes, nice people and
bad politicians. I'm in small business consulting
since 1992. I am just saying hello as I've joined the
group today.

If I understood well, one of the purposes of the group is
to review writings of the members and give advice and
suggestions. I've joined Squidoo and have few articles
posted there.

One of my articles is:
"Are You Thinking To Quit Your 9 to 5 Job? Start Simple...",

I would appreciate very much your advice and feedback.

Thank you all and thank you, Valerie, for inviting me to
your group.

I also owe article
directory. I'd love to have your articles posted there.
Thank you.
Jun 6th 2007 00:04

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner

Great to have you and your business consulting experience. The only suggestion I would have for your article is to break it down into several pages.

I don’t know about Squidoo but when blogging the more you can get a person to click the next (more…) button the better.

Is Squidoo setup like this?


Jun 6th 2007 00:47   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Squidoo allows you to create just one page on every topic. If I brake them there is no direct connection between pages even if I use the "next" button. Also each page is loaded with lot of advertising. However, I'll apply this idea to my own blogs on Blogger, as some of my articles are quite long. Good idea. Thanks.
Jun 6th 2007 03:13   
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