Women Working From Home!!


by Elise
Elise Senior  
From: The desk of Elise McCollumn


Hello Ladies,

There is a two fold purpose to this post.

#1 I would like to start off by personally saying Thank You to each member of this group. I have watched this group grow day by day carefully reviewing each new member. It's inspiring to see so many women with pioneering spirits in one place. So many nice comments and emails have been sent to me.

#2 I am currently assembling a team of unique women who posses most or all the qualities you'll find listed below. Please understand, and I say this with all due respect to everyone who reads this post. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR JUST ANYONE. As a respected business owner earning a multiple 6 figure income you can be assured I pick my business partners very carefully.

Why would you or I pick average when excellence is an option?

People say to me all the time. Elise your lucky. I have to stop them right there and explain politely, if your willing to learn what I know, and do what I do, then you'll be lucky too! Then we can all be lucky together.

History has shown me that most who have achieved above average success were wiling to do what most people were not, willing to go where most people wouldn't go, and try new things that most were unwilling to try. You have to be willing to get out of the boat if your going to walk on the water. Right?

As I said before, and I say this with all sincerity I'm not looking for just anyone. Because I feel time is one of the most important things I possess, and I only have a limited amount of it, It only makes sense to be wise in how I spend it.

Since every time I bring a new business baby into the world it will require me to spend time nurturing, strengthening, teaching, and developing that person into the mature successful business person I expect them to be.

With all of that said, there are 2 questions I want you to ask yourself if this sounds at all like something of interest to you: #1 Am I ready, willing, and able to make this happen and receive my reward? And more importantly #2 Can I make this happen with your help. If the answer to those 2 questions is Yes with a personal commitment to finish what you start then please review the list of qualities I'm looking for in the individuals I am seeking as business partners.

1)Anyone who still dares to dream, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make their dreams into realities.

2) All those who strive to do their personal best and be the best.

3)Those who believe that corporate America does not hold the keys to financial freedom.

4) Anyone who's tired of working to build someone else's dream home, buy their dream car, or take their family on a dream vacation rather than your own.

5) Those with internet or network marketing experience

6)Anyone who has a coachable spirit, a never quit mindset, and finishes what they start.

7)Those who understand true love, the importance of laughter, and that friendship and loyalty go hand in hand.

If you posses some or all these qualities then we need to talk. Please email me through apsense your contact info including your name, a short bio, email address, your best contact number and time to reach you.

I look forward to meeting you, and personally introducing myself.

If you fit this profile: THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!!

"Opportunity is never missed, it's taken by someone else"

Kindest Regards,

Elise McCollumn

Financial Freedom For Me Now!!
Jun 5th 2007 19:07

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Wilma Court Innovator   
Hello Elise; You are certainly an ambitious woman. I may not fit your new group but I would like to join the general group of women working together. I am a retired teacher , working on the Internet to add to my retirement fund. So far I am not making very much money but I like the challenge of learning new things. Wilma
Jun 6th 2007 12:28   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
Hi Wilma!!!

Elise - you are providng a fantastic opportunity and I sincerely hope you find perfect partners!

I would jump on this offer but I have a few committments on my plate, which in turn, I couldn't guarantee proper attention to your offer. Just my luck! *grins*
Jun 6th 2007 12:47   
Tim and Linda/CMAS, BS, RN hutch Senior  RN turned staty at home mom
I love the posture! :-)

I have NO DOUBT that you will be successful, but as Executive Directors, our plate is maxed out thankfully! It took us 3 years here to get to a six figure income and have been here 5 years now, so "business wise" we're set for life...

Wishing you total success!!

Linda/CMAS, BS, RN aka "BizNurse" aka SAH "MOM"
Jun 6th 2007 18:12   
Tina Gregory Committed   
You sound like an amazing woman Elise and I wish You much much success. If I weren't already committed to my own dreams I would jump at Your awesome opportunity. I hope You find truly wonderful partners.
Jun 6th 2007 18:34   
Christine DeGold Innovator   
Hi Elise:)
I'm not in your network and would like to contact you, how do I send you an email?
Jun 8th 2007 00:50   
Matthew Johnson Advanced  
Hi, I have a question.
Do you contact at least 10,000 Marketers a day with your ads?

Because that is exactly what my computer is doing for me right now... Im not at home; I'm at the lake with my 2 young boys.

If 1 sale per thousand contacts earns me 75.00, Then I will make 750.00 today! Every Day! How much a day would that be for your product?

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Jun 22nd 2010 23:14   
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