How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Who Makes a Purchase and Who Doesn't...

by Lonnie Niver Niver's Art
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
May 17, 2010Written By Lonnie

I don't know how many of you have heard of the 10%
rule but here
is a little insight for you. There is an old saying
that for every 100 there
are 10 that will purchase.

The 10%
Rule is the percentage of people who either purchase or join an
from the amount of people who actually saw your product
and/or opportunity.

For example: If I want to set a goal to make
lets say $1000 a week at around $17.50
a sale. I would need to make
58 sales for the entire week. Right? That means I have to find 58
people to purchase my product. Now, in order for me to find that many
people that will purchase my product I am going to have to have 580
people visit my site.

Do you see where I am going?

are probably going to say, "but Lonnie I have a lot of people seeing my
product and I don't get
a 10% return", let me ask you a questions:

you targeting the right market?

I see so many online business
people trying to promote their opportunity to everyone and their mother.
What they don't understand is that it is very important to know who you
are marketing to because not everyone wants what you are promoting.
If everyone wanted what they wanted then that would mean that a car
sales person could sale a brand new car to 16 year old who doesn't have
a job. Do you get my point?

For the 10% to work you have to
find your target market and start promoting. If you're not getting the
results you are looking for then go back and do so research to see
if their is a market for your product. You should of already done
your research but that is beside the point.


Regards, Lonnie
D. Niver JOIN

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May 17th 2010 10:48

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Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Okay so, where do I find 580 people? This is something that most people have trouble doing. First of all, it isn't through spamming. If you want to piss some people off spam their email and see the results.

It is through target market. When I say target market I mean these are people who will buy at any moment. Everyone else could careless what you are offering. Where can you find the right market to target? Video marketing is huge right now and could be a gold mine.

Your video doesn't have to be perfect but it has to be informative to your audience. Look for my next post on finding your targeted market with video marketing.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Lonnie Niver
May 20th 2010 12:45   
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