How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Are you Ready To Go Fishing?

by Lonnie Niver Niver's Art
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Written By Lonnie Niver

I love to fish, especially for steel heads off the Great Lakes. I would like to take you on a fishing adventure. The type of fish we are fish for are very sophisticated and  it requires a specific type of bait that grabs their attention and causes them to go into a feeding frenzy. The type of fish we are going to catch are called prospects.


...Are you ready to go fishing?

is much like fishing, you have to know your fish before you can catch
them. First, find a pond where the fish are feeding. Then find the right type of bait that will cause them take the bait. I am taking with me a few special lures and My fishing rod.  A heavy duty rod
with a open face reel to catch the big fish. I like to go prepared for the big fish because they are the ones that put up a good fight.

Alright, time to go

What pond are we going to go fishing in first?

start in my pond first and work our way up to the bigger ponds. I have a small pond the
prospects in my pond are hungry to make money but are short on income.
If the price is right they are eager to open their wallets. These prospects are either looking for
extra income or they were laid off their job and have nothing better to
do but to learn how to make money. They are also very sensitive
when you ask them for money so the bait we will use is educational
marketing. Instead of asking them to buy we are going to teach them how
to make money to gain our trust and buy from us.

first thing I will do is get out my heavy duty fishing rod I call
Blogging. Blogging is a great way to start finding fish without the
cost and you can add affiliate
programs. While you're fishing you may get little nibbles here and there with the affiliate programs

Now I
am going to add the bait which is educational marketing. Just like
fishing there are many different baits to use so, we have to find a bait
our prospects are feeding on. In mine pond I teach my prospects how to
make money with affiliate programs for free. The information I offer
has to be unique and have value or my prospects will swim away. To
create a feeding frenzy I have to find something my prospects are
willing to bite on.

I can start by offering free gifts for
visiting my blog. I offer free places to find good money making affiliate programs. I
also share how they can get traffic to their affiliate programs.

Now, what do we do if we get a big fish? We are going to need a net.
Net can get a little pricey called  email
marketing like Aweber. There is a cost but Aweber catches your
prospects email addresses when you offer free information. I am sure you
have seen this around if you've been trying to find an opportunity
online. It is a very popular tool to use. Some will offer trial like
Aweber who offers a 30 day trial for $1.

Now if your pond drys up
then what?

Go find someone else's pond to fish in. One way is
though the use of joint venturing! Joint
venture (according to Wikipedia)
is an entity formed between two or
more parties to undertake economic activity together. What?

simple means to go ask another business owner, preferably one that is
not competing with your business, if they would be interested in doing a
joint venture. This creates a win, win situation for both parties to
share revenues and expenses.

There are three things you need
before you go fishing for prospects, a pond filled with hungry
prospects, the tools used to catch your prospects and the bait to reel
them in. Once you have created a relationship with your prospects you can introduce you
products, services or compensation to them.

To get in a joint
venture with me send me a link to your website and opportunity and what you can offer my
prospects and I will send you the offer I can send to yours. My email
address is

Regards, Lonnie
D. Niver JOIN

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Apr 15th 2010 15:57

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Meekin Bruemmer Professional   affiliate marketer
I Like Fishing.
Apr 15th 2010 22:15   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
I like fishing too and the funny thing is that prospecting is just like fishing in a way.

Thank you for the comment,

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Apr 15th 2010 22:22   
Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Yes it is like fishing but it does take more than luck.
Apr 15th 2010 23:09   
Meekin Bruemmer Professional   affiliate marketer
LOL yes alot more then Luck.

Have you every went fishing some days i don't even catch a Fish while other days iam the only one catching fish :)
Apr 15th 2010 23:57   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
I agree! I don't believe in luck when it comes to prospecting. We have to work hard to find the right kind of bait that make the big catch.

Thank you for you comments,

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Lonnie Niver
Apr 16th 2010 07:09   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Good way of looking at it. Fishing if you have the right bait you may get a nibble and then you have a chance to bring it it...

Like the way yo made it ease to follow...great concept...

Apr 16th 2010 11:07   
Lylette Primell Advanced  Thoughts are Things
Great analogy Lonnie guess we are all "Fisher's of men"

Apr 16th 2010 11:12   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you for all your comments!

Some times we have to use analogy to get our message a cross to people. It's easier to understand that way. I really didn't realize how hard doing an analogy was and I would love to do more.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Lonnie Niver
Apr 16th 2010 11:35   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
I forgot to mention this saying I learned a while back and I hope it means something to everyone here.

"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time."

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Lonnie Niver
Apr 16th 2010 11:38   
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