How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Social Networking - I Want To Talk To You! What Should I Say?

by Lylette Primell Thoughts are Things
Lylette Primell Advanced Thoughts are Things
Today I have been getting
my hands down and dirty with the Social Networking thing.

Even thought I am a member of many Social Networks I find that I am
pretty new to understanding some of the more relevant nuances of Social
Networking and how to best make it work for me in my Internet Marketing

So I decided to do my own bit of due diligence on the topic. Here is
some of what I am finding out about social networks.

What is Social Networking?

According to Social Networking: It is the grouping of
individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a
neighborhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is
possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high
schools, it is most popular online.

Why Online Social Networking?

Great question!  Why exactly would anyone sit around and fraternize
with perfect strangers for hours at a time. According to some online
talking heads it is important for:

Exposure:  According to some online talking heads
what better way to get free exposure than via social networking sites.
The argument is that since most social networks are free to join why not
use them as a medium to get free exposure for your online presence and

Relationships:  When you become a member of a
social networking site like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn etc. people
immediately notice your profile  and if you have something in common
and or share similar interest they are likely to request to become your
friend. Hence the beginning of a relationship that could be good for
your business or other social relationship building.
Referrals:  It is obvious that if you have spent
time building friendships with people,  they like you and are interested
in what you are saying they are more likely to  recommended you to their
network of friends.

What should you talk about on a Social Networking Site?

I have to say that I think the decision about what to talk about in
social networking sites is split. What I mean is that some experts
advise that you should listen, listen, listen. Even if you have a lot to
say they insist that you can learn a lot about your target audience by
just listening.

Others advocate that you talk about your area of expertise that is
relevant to your niche.

Some further argue that the best way to go unnoticed in social
networks is to constantly talk about yourself. Since it has been proven
that most people by nature are only interested in themselves talking
about yourself would be of no interest to others only to you.

So to capture the  attention of others you talk about them or what
they are interested in.

A good conclusion here would be to find what
others are interested in and talk about that. This could be a sure way
of increasing your popularity and likability in social networking
Apr 14th 2010 14:37

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
I like your title most have nothing to say, most have a hard time starting a conversation, So point well taken....You have provide some good points and so far l can tell you been really busy doing many different important task that will pay off in the long run....I also belong to many but have found that l have not been visiting them that much at all why not sure, or just no time for all to be done.....Meetings, kids, work and then seminars and different trade shows all take up a lot of your time....but l do try to visit them as often as l can ....thanks for the reminders good stuff...

Apr 14th 2010 14:44   
Lylette Primell Advanced  Thoughts are Things
Thank you Joseph for reading and commenting on my post. Social Networking is great but you can waste much time with it if you do not figure our quickly how it could best benefit your business.

This is what I am spending much time learning lately.

Apr 14th 2010 15:18   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Hi Lylette,

Interesting post, i think you make some great points about social networking. Some people certainly must learn the skill to start a conversation, i think this has a lot to do with our upbringing. I, for one love to make new contacts, and find it very easy to get to know people. The listening factor certainly is important, and by listening and paying attention to what others are saying, you will know beforehand whether this person is the right one to involve in your business. I must say, that the internet has provided us with a great way of communicating with our peers, and it is getting better by the day, skype for instance, this is the closest thing to a one on one conversation one can have. I agree with Joseph, i dont spend enough time at my social sites, but one can only do so much in a busy day. Great post.


Apr 14th 2010 15:49   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Good job!

I have had this problem until I learned that if you let people talk they will tell you what you can do for them.

If they start talking about a particular problem they are having I will go and find the solution for them. I have made a lot of new friends and have gotten referrals this way.

Thank you for sharing.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Apr 14th 2010 17:19   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

I am impressed with all of them hits, and TOPS; well done what this group is all about.........check you email this weekend.........good is what we are all about how it all works..........


Joseph F. Botelho
Apr 14th 2010 20:40   
Lylette Primell Advanced  Thoughts are Things
Thanks to all of you guys for reading and commenting on my post. I feel a bit better knowing I am not alone in this struggle of breaking the ice in my social networking journey.

Apr 15th 2010 09:50   
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