How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Why 95% Of People Fail At Internet Marketing

by Lylette Primell Thoughts are Things
Lylette Primell Advanced Thoughts are Things
The other day on one of the forums that I frequent someone posted a
that alluded to the above subject. He suggested that people fail at
making money online because "They don't understand what they are

doing" and he emphasized it by underlining the statement.

With the rate of failure suggested to be at ninety-five to ninety-six
percent you have to figure that there might be some truth in what he is

The general consensus is that we fail with our Internet Marketing
business because we all try to sell something, anything when we first
get started.

What I have only recently learned and what I now know that all the
gurus and online coaches are shouting in chorus is a resounding  NO!
to that idea

I know that must look and sound a bit dramatic but that is exactly
what they are all saying. If you want to fail quickly or become very
frustrated in Internet Marketing begin by trying to sell something.

To them this is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot not to
mention a complete waste of time, energy and in some cases money.

I know some of you are asking! What then how do I get started? Like
me you would be mildly surprised even a bit irritated with the answer.

The answer is really simple and everyone who is anyone in the
Internet Marketing arena agrees that you have to Build A
List. Yes that?s it "build your

What is this "list" you may
ask! Well it is a list of the names,
emails and phone numbers of the people who are or might be interested in
what you are marketing.
You could call it a list of prospects but
it is commonly know to Internet Marketers as an opt-in list

Just so we do not go overboard and get stuck in information overload
let us allow this to sink in,at least for those who need it to for now.In
another blog I will share some basics of how you can use a one page website to begin building
your own opt-in

Go here to get a jump start on how to begin building your list
Apr 12th 2010 11:58

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Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Great job keep up the good work!

There are free places to build a list online too. I posted this info earlier. The free site is called It's not the greatest but it serves the purpose of building an opt-in list.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Apr 12th 2010 12:12   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

Very well done..............all you need to do is you know what............well written.....

Apr 12th 2010 19:19   
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