How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Marketing Tips and Resources for Using Them

by Nathan Goolsby
Nathan Goolsby Advanced  
March 14, 2010

Written By Nathan Goolsby

Sharing information is what this group is all about.  Let's all work together to bring about ideas to market our business better and if anyone has a suggestion of how or rather where someone could get the best resources (i.e. tools to work with) please don't be afraid to share it with the rest of the group. 

This is how we help each other out.  If a resource is working well for someone tell us about it and let's discuss how best to use it to make things happen.  So, anyone got any ideas?

Welcome to our group as part of this group l will promote and make you a better marketer as l have revised your blog and add additional information to promote your efforts withing this group.  You did a great job and learn and always have the ability of how to promote your products.

Nathan you can leave a comment on your blog....

ALL THE BESTNathan Goolsby

If you join this group you will learn and perhaps succeed depends
This is what l teach how to do this just ask NATHAN
Mar 14th 2010 13:05

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

Just wanted to share some information on why this groups is DIFFERENT...........l help you create your blogs to look like Nathan excel at getting more hits and learning the art of MARKETING............why l like jfbmarketing............l look after my members.........why l never read an email that has no click able links, have no time to waste too many emails to read and DELETE............will yours be deleted...........

This is how marketing is done on the net..........good luck....

Thanks Nathan,

all the best
Mar 16th 2010 20:15   
Nathan Goolsby Advanced   
In E-Mail Marketing when you e-mail someone with anything to correspond to I use what is called an SIG file link back to my sight for those who are interested to look at and to see if it peeks their interest in joining this opportunity.
I have used embedded links with my name showing in blue, but people don't realize that they need to click on my name to go to the site with out creating an action step of clicking on my name to send them to the site.

I believe in using sig lines. They are a way to promote and create a way of additional advertising for you businesses.

Mar 16th 2010 22:44   
Nathan Goolsby Advanced   
When making a SIG l8ine in your e-mail program, make it something simple. One or two lines will do. Include your link and a call to action step.

For instance: "For more information go here (include your link here).

Mar 18th 2010 20:50   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
The key we all need to learn is how to get target attention, people to read what we write....once we learn this then we have a have good points...use them...understand the term how to market you ideal or concept....takes hard work...

keep it up...
Mar 26th 2010 20:37   
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