How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Just a Friendly up date

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

I like the progress of this group so
far, glad some of the members are applying some of the principles we have shared
and making significant progress.  That is
the goal of this group or any groups you may join in the future, we always
learn something, and then master it.  One
step at a time, learn it, apply it; making all of the rewards then achievable.

Why l wrote the below article, it
takes hard work to make it in life. you see in the middle of the word LIFE there is a word do not be one of them.  Yes an IF oh well we all have a chose in
life.  This group is all about heading
down the correct road the same way you spell the world LUCK Labor Under Correct
Knowledge.  If you understand this
concept, then you may have the desire for success and a change in over all
standards of your life!!!

This group is all about understand
how a latter works, one step at a time, all the information will be there at
figure tips.  How you use it is up to you.  Actually it is like buying an affiliated
program, l do sell them also if you like to take that route by all means.

Just an update to all the members and perhaps our new

The rest is all up to you!!

All the best and success!!

Understanding our Full Potential as

We as humans are creatures of habit.  We have a tendency of doing the same things over and
over again but expecting different results.   The only positive thing
l can think of is sooner or later something will give.  So if we know and
understand this habit, why do we constantly repeat this process over and
over?  The answer is actually found on the mirror in you washroom, next
time you use it you will see the answer.  Did you actually see that
answer, before your eyes?

Read more
if you would like too.


Joseph F.

Joseph F.

Let's share our blogs, articles and get the
most out of promoting with in all our resources.
are you going to be part of this

all the


By: Twitter
l look forward to having you on
my team
Feb 23rd 2010 17:47

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
If you have an comments or information we can share please send us a reply. One of the recent comments was regarding any suggestion when using "robot.txt file" tool. Not sure how many of you use it on your site.

Look forward to some new replies.........

all the best
Feb 24th 2010 09:43   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Any question or replies that we can establish and help our members achieve there goals with in this group. Or should l feel like Billy Idol the singer singing dance with myself..........

hey all good a little humor is always good....
Feb 25th 2010 09:45   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Thanks Wincer, l just know one of these times you leave a reply other then the suggestion you asked me.....which l did answer...............anyhow.........the team is doing well,

happy for them all.............going to watch the ladies play my
Be like Nike just do it......:]
Feb 25th 2010 19:16   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

Yes l would agree, most people lack that ability how to have communication among your co marketers. I been doing this for so long, shipping vehicles and selling them all on here on the internet. Sending to all over Europe, Japan and several other countries. Not selling a $29.95 product, most of the vehicles l sold where high end, new and used. The trust factor has to be there, would you buy a vehicle from me? Yes you would, why? Cause l understand your needs, desires and most of all the ability to know why you came to me in the first place.

I have done 9 deals this month all from different area codes. So for the few who will ever make it on the internet, whether you do it here or just keep singing "still haven't found what l am looking for." See when you work with the Japaneses then you have a proven track record, there are no encores with this type of relationship.

Mess up and that gig comes to an end. To all the new members and to all who have read anything l have written, you will notice l am cocky, no need to roll your eyes, confident, old and wise; BUT made enough mistakes to be able to share that. The reason l do things is all for a reason. Some of you will learn and understand what l am actually trying to teach.

Why the odds at the top are so slim l mean really me l finally got one best answer on here. had to do with numbers, how it is l just know the odds... Yea see l do advertise myself without links, and spam, just different approach...

So when you start doing over $500,000.00 per month in sales then tell me l have no idea what the fuk l am talking about.....sorry about that one word... just the facts, l did it all on my own, learning one step at a time.......didn't matter what it was..... good luck.,.....why l asked this question...l though about it before l asked it!!!


Joseph F. Botelho
Feb 25th 2010 21:09   
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