Just Joined APSense

Excited but confused

by profitguideonline
profitguideonline Innovator
Hi Cindy

This Apsense site sounds great, but is very unfriendly to new users.
I am also making money on the internet and I have only just started.
I don't know if this message will get to you or not. It seems we have the same ideas and goals and that is to produce a decent income from the internet. I don't even know how people find me as I have a couple of interested parties in my group. But I cann't even find my own posting to view or edit it. If you or somebody that happens to read this, could contact me by email and give me more info, that would be nice. My email is profitguideonline@shaw.ca in the mean time here is how I am making money online www.profitguideonline.com

I am in Vancouver,BC,Canada trying to get a group together for brainstorming.[email]profitguideonline@shaw.ca[/email]

Jun 5th 2007 07:44

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
This is getting easier, or maybe it is just beecause I have been pushing more button to explore all APSense has to offer.
If you scroll all the way dowm to the bottom of this page. About US,
next to that is FAQ....
This has been added to and perhaps it is because I have read it and reread it but it is all starting to make sense.
Well sort of.

You must download the Desktop Marketing Tool.
When I turn on my computer in the morning I double click that twice to open it and a little icon apears down in my tray.
This will alert me to any new messages that I recieve whether they are personal , group or bulletins.
So I am always in the Loop.

Bulletins are easy , just click Post Bulletin in the lower right hand corner of the desk top tool.
Put in a Title and where is says discription put in what it is you want to
In this area your able to hide your urls. I am kind of funny about that so I always hide them when ever I can. I just think they look neater.
Let me give you and example of how to do that:

Your url would look like this
If I were to hide that I would write it like this:
[url=http://cbolley.veretekk.com]Veretekk Marketing[/url]
And what would apear would be "Veretekk Marketing"

So which one looks better to you?
To Me the one that just says, "Veretekk Marketing" but that is just me.


Jun 6th 2007 14:04   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi San and Cindy,

San, I am Canadian too. I'm on the other side of the Rockys in Alberta.

AP Sense is like anything on the internet - there's a learning curve. I think it is really quite user friendly, but there are so many features that make it APPEAR complicated. I agree with you Cindy... you need to just dig in and click on the buttons and try it out.

The UBBCODE is not hard to use. You can't use it in comments, but when you are making a post in your blog or bulletin, or the starting post in a group, there are icons at the top of the post box. You highlight the words or phrase you want to effect and click on the corresponding icon.

You MUST use the Desktop feature. Everytime a new bulletin or message is posted, you get an instant notification. Makes it real easy to broadcast to your network. I just love AP Sense, and Cindy, I thank you again for introducing me to it!


Jun 6th 2007 19:43   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Your welcome Karen, I love this place too.
With a few more tips I'll start my Video. ( haha)

Jun 7th 2007 04:44   
James L. Professional  Advertiser
Please you guys I urge everyone to read your faq's before you continue in doing this if you do not know how to do this. Everything is explained in the faq's section, or the video.
Jun 7th 2007 15:50   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Sure James, but there's no harm in having a group to talk about the FAQs and the video.

Cindy, I was thinking, we could do a webinar walk through?

Jun 7th 2007 18:21   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Webinar Sounds good to me Karen,

James perhaps you have this down and you know what your doing and that is GREAT.
But... there are some people who would like a bit of help.
I know that because I get messages asking for a bit of guidence.
Perhaps you would tell them to just go read the FAQ's, but not me.

I am on a Team and we practice the Law of Attractions"
Everyone helps everyone.
"You give what you get"

One of our mottos is:
" No Network Marketer Left Behind"
As hard as that is sometimes we ALL stick to that Motto.
People learn at their own pace and if they need a bit more than reading FAQ's I am more than happy to help with that.

So I for one will continue this little group.
You may participate in sharing your knowledge about this
Wonderful place called APSense or not.
That is up to You.


ps. I did not see in FAQ's how to hide URL's
Maybe that is not of importance to You but that is one of the things that is imporatnt to me.
I know how to do that , and I am happy to share that with others.
Jun 8th 2007 12:38   
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