Private Label Rights

Strategy Eight

by John Taylor
John Taylor Advanced  
You've probably already heard that the search engines like blogs. They seem to like the structure and they are very keen on blogs that are regularly updated.

I don't see much point in setting up a blog unless it can be monetized is some way, but I've discovered that it's best to set up a blog with maybe 5 articles before adding any formal advertising.

The key to this strategy is to have a plan.

Pick a niche where you have a PLR product with at least 50 pages and break it down into small blog posts of around 300 to 400 words.

Set up your blog on its own domain using Wordpress and post one article each day for the first five or six days. I've discovered from my own testing that it's best to post your articles at around the same time each day.

Then post one article per week for a full year (that gives you 12 months to find more articles)

You can add AdSense blocks to your blog and earn a share in the revenue from Google. Better still, look out for suitable affiliate programmes and include product reviews within your blog posts.

If you have enough PLR material you can even create short special reports and offer them to your readers!

Again, be sure to submit your blog to relevant directories, add a link to your signature file and post to forums and other blogs which are on similar themes.
Jun 5th 2007 07:13

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