Woman In Leadership

Women Are Driving The Global Economy?

Income MARKETING Opportunities Professional   EZWORKSYSTEMS
===>Psychology of Aging<<<===
According to popular culture, women are terrified of growing old and fight it with everything they have, spending billions of dollars each year on botox, liposuction, face creams, hair dyes, and health clubs. Early psychological theories argued that once a woman could no longer reproduce, she grew despondent, recognizing that her usefulness in life was now over. When her children grew up and left home, she was said to suffer from "empty nest syndrome"
Fortunately, none of this is true-at least for most women. Yes, many try to slow the aging process through expensive moisturizers and alpha hydroxy treatments, but on average, research finds that women's body images actually become more positive as they move from their twenties and thirties into middle age.

Women's overall mental health and life satisfaction also improve with age.

Could Aging Be Good for Women?
Women not only survive later in life, they thrive.
===>Psychology of Aging<<<===
Nov 2nd 2020 05:54

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Nitin Saini Magnate I Pro   SEO Analyst & Freelancer
Really, womens are driving global economy?
Nov 2nd 2020 06:42   
Income MARKETING Opportunities Professional   EZWORKSYSTEMS
$20 trillion in annual consumer spending-
Women— control up to 78 percent of U.S. consumer spending...
Women—who account for half the world's working-age population-

The Female Economy - Harvard Business Review
hbr org › › the-female-economy
Women now drive the world economy. Globally, they control about $20 trillion in annual consumer spending, and that ...

Women Are Driving the Global Economy | Club Solutions ...
clubsolutionsmagazine- › operations-wo...
— Women now drive the global economy, and studies show they control up to 78 percent of U.S. consumer spending. How can clubs capture this ...

How advancing women's equality can add $12 trillion to ...
www.mckinsey- › employment-and-growth › how-...
— If women—who account for half the world's working-age population—do not achieve their full economic potential, the global economy will suffer ...

Google it?
Nov 2nd 2020 07:57   
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