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The Advertising Reveue Share Model

by Paul Thompson
Paul Thompson Freshman  
Right now there is an explosion on the internet of what has been called 'Advertising Revenue Share Programs'.

They offer two things: Guaranteed visitors to your websites and, a share in all revenue the company earns through offering this service.

At first glance this business model looks very similar to the ‘Paid-To-Click’ business type such as Clicksense, Hits4Pay, DealsnCash and others of a similar nature.

However, good as these may be, there are some major differences between the Paid-To-Click programs and the Advertising Revenue Share programs.

It is the difference between earning a few pennies for viewing websites, to earning a share of up to 75% of profits, and some major dollars, in one of the fastest growing sectors of the internet advertising industry. Just do a google search for 'Best Online Advertising' and see how high the profile of this industry has reached. Billions of dollars per year are earned though oline advertising.

And the cost....?

Participation in profit share can start with as little as $10!

What your money buys:

These businesses are first and foremost extremely popular and successful venues for advertising and marketing your existing business and websites. Your advertising budget - be it as little as $10 or as much as $10,000 buys you  a guaranteed number of visitors to your website. From business owners, business opportunity seekers and entrepreneurs. Every $1 spent usualy guarantees you at least 10 visitors. Thus, $10 would guarantee you 100 visitors and $10,000 guarantees you $100,000 visitors. So what about the profit share...?

Well, that is why these businesses are growing so rapidly. Many of these companies offer cash rebates of up to 200% of the value of your purchase for participating in their Revenue Share program.

This typically involves viewing other members websites, in return for which you qualify for Revenue Share Rebates. Most have a website rotator which shows you websites at the rate of one every 15 – 25 seconds or so, depending on the company. Each company has its own limit, or required number of websites that you must visit each day, or each week. These tend to range from, on average 15 – 25 websites per day.

So for looking at say 25 websites per day, for around 25 seconds each (25 websites x 25 seconds = a little over 10 mins. per day) would offer you a return of TWICE what your advertising cost you in the first place.

In other words, if you purchase 100 guaranteed visitors costing $10 and viewing the required number of websites you would earn $20 back, DOUBLING your money!

For more information visit these websites: Ad-Ventures4u, Adgate World, Global Revenue Share 
Aug 18th 2009 13:08

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