Affiliate Marketing 101


by Denize Brewster-Mellett
Denize Brewster-Mellett Freshman
Hi there,
I am a newbie to this business, in fact, due to a layoff from a 38 year career in healthcare, being a hands direct client provider this is as opposite as you can get.  Having said that, and with my vertical learning curve, not looking so steep, I am having a blast!  Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
I am looking forward to gaining more insight to the world of e-commerce and hope to begin to start earning revenue very shortly.
(which is Gwich'in - Inuit culture - for Grandmother)
Aug 3rd 2009 09:57

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Celestine Gray Advanced   
You're never too old to learn something new.
Glad to have you aboard.

Thanks for requesting to help out, but managing the members should be fairly easy. If I need you, I will let you know!!!!
Aug 3rd 2009 10:59   
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