by Elaine Ocang
Elaine Ocang Junior  
Based on my poor knowledge, group should build organization, policy, rules and regulation.

An organization that manage and lead the members of the group. An organization to which the members should know who their leaders are and whom they are to turn to in case of something they want to do, or suggest to do to fortify the group and strengten in anyway the  camaraderie of the group. To stimulate in anyway the members from getting awake, and aware of this thing, these things, because of and due to this ...  in other word .... an advisory......

Likewise to me, that I am looking to a group that is sincere in what   (s)he is saying and doing. A group to which  I can lean on in terms of confusion, needs like looking for a job, money or common human monkey useful business.  Without flattering, everyone needs money for a living, styles of living.

A policy, rules and regulation to be followed.....  in order to set the limits of the group. The limitation that set every members awareness to do and not to do.

An organized group is group that can  do. Only a group support anyone - members of the group.

by Elaine

Jul 15th 2009 20:23

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annabel Freshman   
Ok...... a good suggestion.. But when can you post such policy, rules and regulations?
Invite anyone to do it first and we'll secondedly support and make our own to contribute.


Jul 30th 2009 12:10   
Greenquest Power Innovator  Commercial Landscaping services
it is very good suggestion and it is policy very easy.
Aug 16th 2016 08:35   
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