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Exciting News / Just Had to Share / Read Now

by Randy Baldwin
Randy Baldwin Advanced  
Greetings from Randy Baldwin Free Laptop Promotion Incentive
Full and Part Time Representatives wanted for 3 of the hottest
products that are being marketed online.

- Travel Discount

- Voip Telecommunications Service

- PC Internet Security

We are seeking 100 new reps that want to earn
commissions marketing online the above products.

Both personal and team commission packages.

-Free setup!

-New YourTechMall Website for promotion

-Complete back office sales tracking

-Lead System

-Much Much More

To get started go to the site below and fill out the form. One of our
Reps will contact you with the information to get you started.


To qualify for a benefactor slot you must go to the link below and
complete the form on the page.

NO money is required to start. (We have even waived the cost of the
$389.00 starter kit.)

Go to:

Use voucher code (enter it exactly as shown):  VMS-B777098

Once you are on the inside – I will assist you in learning the ropes –
along with the Vortex Corporate group.

You will receive a confirmation email directly and just follow these
5 short steps. If you can not spend a few minuts to read through this.

You are truly comitted to working from home, and you will recieve a
Promise from Randy Baldwin that I will always be here for you.

Warm Regards,
Randy Baldwin
Oct 13th 2008 14:07

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