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Come Join Us!! Moms working together to create incredible incomes!!

by Sonya Smith
Sonya Smith Advanced  
We are Team Prosperity, a diverse group of people from all backgrounds and faiths working together with GBG "Guided By God" Wellness. All are welcome. Please join our informational group to learn everything about the company, the product, the business opportunity, and how our team works. There is no pressure or obligation to join the business, and we welcome your questions.


Business Highlights

~ High Quality Liquid Vitamins Affordably Priced @ $29.85/month

~ Free Business Opportunity

~ Free Personalized eCommerce Website & Splash Page

~ Back Office (track downline, customer orders, commissions, contacts, etc.)

~ Free Ongoing Training

~ NO Start Up Costs, Required Business Kits, Website Fees, or Monthly Overhead

~ Your First Two Enrollments Come From Us

~Just Two Enrollments Qualifies Each Independent Representative For 10 Levels of Pay and Over $2800 in Monthly Residual Income

Following the morals and values that people of all faiths can appreciate, the members of Team Prosperity have pooled decades of knowledge, ideas, and experience to build a GBG business working together. As a team supporting and helping one another, our marketing efforts achieve the concept of "many hands make light work." (~John Heywood). When you join our team and help us with our marketing efforts here on Cafe Mom for a minimum of one hour a day, we will provide you with the two enrollments needed to become an independent representative and qualify for 10 levels of pay and over $2800 a month in monthly residual income. Please note, that just as it is with any home-based business, it will take about 18-24 months to reach a career-level income. This is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme and we do not want this to sound like a "too-good-to-be-true" scam. If there were legitimate home-based businesses where that level of residual income could be achieved by the average person in a few months, everyone would be in that business. Collectively, our team members have been involved in every MLM you can find, and every single one we know of takes a lot of time and consistent effort before a significant true residual income in achieved. Do not be fooled by claims that you can earn $2000 your first month working part-time. That certainly can happen, but it is rare and in my experience involves advanced commissions, quick-start pay, newcomer bonuses, and working your warm market to the point that friends and family screen their calls to avoid you. Sound familiar? What happens your second month? What happens when your downline quits and you have chargebacks?

Also consider that with almost every business you find, you will have a team supporting you with words of encouragement and lots of excitement and cheerleading, BUT, when it comes to finding team members and customers, you are left alone to build your downline and that takes a serious time commitment. In order to succeed, and earn a reasonable income in 1-2 years, full-time effort of 10+ hours a day and a significant amount of money toward leads and advertising will be required. With our team and GBG Wellness, your efforts must be consistent, but far less time is required because we are working together and helping each other. Other than your monthly purchase of one bottle of liquid vitamins for $29.85, you do not have to purchase leads, pay for advertising, pass out thousands of fliers, make phone calls, or bother your warm market. You may choose to do some or all of those things on your own to build faster, but it is not required to make this business a success. Your success is guaranteed if you choose to join GBG with our team and work with us just one hour a day on Cafe Mom and other internet sites. By helping promote our team at least one hour a day, your enrollments will be provided through the efforts of many team members working together. The true support and friendship is unparalleled. The continued efforts of the team also mean that your downline will grow. Since May 6th, 2008, 125 people have joined our team, and over 90% have stayed with us, so we are growing quickly and will continue to do so as the team gets bigger and more people are working with us.

We hope that you will learn more about GBG Wellness and Team Prosperity and consider joining us!
Oct 10th 2008 13:17

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