Voice of a Well-Scarred Marketer

Hi Dave

by Gary Goodman Web Designer and Hosting
Gary Goodman Professional   Web Designer and Hosting
I have tried a lot of things and most go out of business or I never get the minumum paycheck. Do you have any programs that really work and are fair and make you money.

Thanks, Gary
Jun 4th 2007 04:35

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Dave Cottrell Professional   Internet Marketing Professional
Hi Gary,

There are a lot of really good opportunities for success, both online and off. You need to pick on that really interests YOU.

What that means is that what works for me will not necessarily work for you. You need to find something that you can really get excited about.

Avoid joining anything based on the advertised potential income. There are thousands of ways to earn a great income, but the bottom line with ANY business is that it must make sales in order for it to profit and last.

If you have no real interest in the product or service that a business is selling, don't get into that business, because you'll have a terrifically difficult time marketing it.

Take your time and do some very serious looking for a company you'd be thrilled to present to your mother or best friend. If the idea makes you uncomfortable, keep looking.

Note that it doesn't have to be glamorous or expensive - it has to be you! Some of the most successful (and wealthy) network marketers in the world sell soap.

God bless,

Jun 9th 2007 04:05   
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