Quality Content Writers Group

GDI - what????? In my honest opinion.......

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
One of the things that always amuses me is the way that some companies can provide a second rate product and still manage to have a pricing structure that makes it almost impossible for it not to succeed.

A good example of this is GDI (.ws domains).

I have been a member for over two years and have found that GDI has been of some benefit to me but that benefit has never been built on.

Never, in the time of my membership, have I ever felt that GDI offered a similar benefit to my friends and acquaintances because of one simple and highly aggravating fact - GDI mail boxes are spam magnets!

I recently opened a second mail box (at one point I did have ten of them) and, literally, within minutes, it was stacked out with spam. All the usual stuff was there, viagra, pharmaceuticals, sex services and so on. The trouble is that GDI does not offer any sort of spam protection and, reading through the forum, most GDI members have to use a redirect so that their emails are handled by a more robust client like Outlook.

I have tried to raise this point in the forums but every time I have tried, my post has simply vanished. It seems there is a posting proceedure that I am unfamiliar with - one step I am not taking.

In over two years, I would have expected improvements to have been made in certain aspects of the programme but the improvements I have seen have all been in the marketing side - functionality appears to be less important. Even in the marketing, though, the improvements have not been in the message being sent out, only in the marketing materials for SALE to members. Here, at Apsense, you can read emails that are identical in content to those that were being used over two years ago.

It is a great shame when a large and reputable company settles for the mundain when it could provide its members with the absolutely fantastic. 

It is this measure of complacency that does so much damage to the reputation of MLM and internet marketing.

It is because I have some value, still, from GDI that I am still a member.

How I would love to be able to promote it without feeling that I would be making a miss representation of the facts by ommitting a major draw back.

How I would love to feel that, as a member, my presence was seen as more than just that of a recruiter - I would like to feel like a valued, long term customer. I would like to feel that the thousands of members were actually being treated as people deserving of consideration and product enhancement.

GDI is a great product - it simply is not growing and has not grown with its membership.
May 24th 2008 02:04

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