Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Opera Browser

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
Recently I have been using the Opera Browser.

I am pleased to report that it has far exceeded both IE7 and firefox in my using experience, plus it has some interesting features that the other 2 do not.

One of these is the way it handles downloads, listing them on a seperate page.

Another is when you close it out, come back a day later and can't remember where you were, it restarts exactly where you left off, a handy reminder for those times when you were interrupted.

Still another feature is 'Speed Dial' which allows you to store 9 of your favorite pages to return to at a simple left click.

Plus, it will open multiple tabs with ease, and also has a 'mouse over' feature which will provide you with a snapshot of the page in the tab without actually opening the tab!

It also has a lot of other neat features, and is free to download.

May 21st 2008 05:47

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi D,
I actually have the major four browsers installed so that I can see what my pages look like in each one of them. Since Apple has finally ported Safari over to run on Windows it makes it easy to see the changes in the four major choices. About the only thing I use IE for anymore is to double check my CSS.
May 21st 2008 07:13   
David Schupbach Senior   
I guess I am going to have to install Safari also, so that I can decide which one I like the best, but so far, Opera is my favorite.
May 21st 2008 20:21   
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