Quality Content Writers Group

So the product was not that complete.......

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
One of the friends who has been helping to keep my finances above water has had to accept that his help is needed elsewhere.

His final gift to me was an eBook that was supposed to show the "can't fail" formula for using Google Adwords to produce an income.

The eBook contains a huge amount of information and is very helpful but I have been staggered by the author sending me emails to sell me "can't fail" formulae for using Google Adwords to produce an income.

Just how corrupt and cynical can these people be? Always, always, always they sell you incomplete material and try to kid you that their subsequent attempts to sell to you are because "their friend, guru X" has just written a similar eBook that you absolutely cannot survive without.

The original eBook is so comprehensive that all the others he has tried to sell me must have contained very little that was new or of sufficient value to justify his hand in my pocket.

Why did the author feel that, because his own eBook had been bought (following a sales letter that claimed miraculous results - SEE THE PROOF!!!!), I would be able or stupid enough to buy another on the same topic? Is he really so stupid that he does not realise that all his follow up offers have only confirmed, in my mind, that he is not a man to be trusted EVER AGAIN!  
May 20th 2008 12:52

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Arthur, they're all out there to get your hard earned cash, so never ever
buy anything on impulse, or anything that you don't really want or need.

Once you're on these people's list, they never stop until you unsubscribe
Have lost count of the times I've signed up for a freebie, only to receive
non-stop promotional material I don't want at all.

May 20th 2008 18:15   
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