Women Working From Home!!

Hi. About my business...

by Julianna Dorino
Julianna Dorino Freshman  
Hello everyone...I am new here to apsense. :-)

I'm hoping this group will help me out with my online business I run for almost 4 years now. First, what I run is a gift basket business which you can see at: http://www.worldofgiftbaskets.com

Just wanted to get any help in here I can so I can finally start making some $ for my family as I am a stay at home Mom of 2 children struggling. :-(

I thought it was a nice idea to run this type of business...It seems to be taking forever to get customers over to my site to order anything. After all the hard work I do in advertising I thought by now I would start seeing a profit, but I guess it is not turning out the way I hoped...And I don't just want to give up just yet as I have on other businesses I've tried also with no luck! So if anyone could help and let me know what I am doing wrong, etc I'd really appreciate it lots!
I need to make money asap as me and my family are about to be evicted from my apartment (believe it or not). We need to move out by Aug 15th...
I am so nervous because there is no money to move or even pay the next rents...

Ok..enough about that...what I really want to know also is...would anyone know why my page rank has gone down?? It was at a 4 which was better...where now it is only back to a 3!! How can this be? What can i do to get my pr back up fast??

Someone please help...

Thanks so much for listening...

May 19th 2007 18:32

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domestika Junior  
This last ranking by Google, it seems that a lot of sites lost ranking if they had a large number of off-topic reciprocal links -- word is that Google changed their calculations to seriously devalue sites that do a lot of link exchange, in favour of sites that have meaningful links to / from related sites in context.

For example, doing a link:url search on your site, I see that a lot of the incoming links are from sites with keywords about insurance, loans, traffic x-changes and such -- not sites related to the content of your site, that would add value to a visitor interested in your product.

Similarly, you have a Links page that is basically a link exchange page -- Google considers this a link farm, and I'd put my coffee money on those two points being why you saw a drop in page rank.

Hope this helps!
May 19th 2007 19:08   
Julianna Dorino Freshman   
Oh no...so what can I do to bring it back up??

Should I get rid of my link exchange? And maybe just add a plain
links page instead of a link exchange?? I thought that was supposed to be a good thing to have...especially since I do have it based on gifts and gift basket sites...

Please help and just let me know what I can do...

Thank you so much for your help...it is greatly appreciated! :-)

May 19th 2007 19:39   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
Hi Julianna,

I'm in a very similar boat as yourself - rent and utilities way past due and no income. Just keep persevering, something will happen for you!

As for the links page. It is best to have Quality of links over Quantity of links. The search engine gods love your site more if you have 10 sites of related subjects linked to you than 200 sites of unrelated subjects linking to you.

Since you have a site about gift baskets ... do not do link exchanges with sites about mortgages, real estate, medical (viagra, etc), and other such unrelated subjects. Regardless of their PR, they will only hurt you in the end. Search engines want your links page to show websites that benefit your target audience. So you would want to list sites comparable to yours. Examples would be: candles, crafts, basket weaving, other gift basket sites, bath and body, etc.

May 19th 2007 21:11   
Marion T. Committed   Independent Representative
Hi Julianna,

You have a beautiful site!

May I offer you some free advertising?

Come post a free business profile here - http://directmatches.com/goldie

Many Blessings,
May 19th 2007 23:09   
Lisa Advanced   
Hi Julianna,
The trick is not to focus on your past experiences or negative results or what you don't have, but to focus on what you do want. Picture thousands of people coming to your site and purchasing. Picture your bank account increasing in funds by the minute. I usually visualize my bank account like the numbers moving when you are pumping gas into your car! And definetly do not focus on the August eviction possibility. Make a goal poster, with pictures that symbolize your dreams and wants for you, your family and business with dates of accomplishment. It is a fact that over 86% of goals written down and looked at daily actually come true. I suggest you watch the movie "The Secret". In the mean time visit my website and sign up for the 7 Free lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret". http://www.gratitude2him.TheSGRProgram.com
The lessons will be emailed to you. Below is my mini profile page for you to read and see how my life was and how now it has changed by just focusing on the positive.


May 20th 2007 01:44   
domestika Junior  
Hi Julianna, yes -- to restore your Page Rank you should get out of the link farm business.

Google recently made public their patent for their Page Ranking software, and it's clear that they put a negative mark against sites that have a great many unrelated links.

If someone says "wanna trade links?" you want to be very sure that the other site is closely related to your own in its subject, and not a site that's all links, no content. Ask yourself, would it be helpful to my customers, to provide a link to this other site?

Be selective in the sites you choose to link to, that's all I'm saying...

Oh, and do be aware that Page Ranks are re-calculated only every so often, maybe four or six times a year, something like that, so you won't see any change for quite some time.

But that's okay, please don't panic -- you can still rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs) even with a lower Page Rank, because the way that all these things are calculated is just so complicated!

Helpful? If so, please so feel free to add me to your contact list.

May 20th 2007 09:30   
Julianna Dorino Freshman   
Wow, thanks for the responses. I didn't think I would get any. :-)

Ok...now can I ask one more thing?
So should I keep the link exchange script on my site and just delete the ones that are not gift related? Then just accept only those that are relevant to my site? Or, get rid of the exchange completely and start over by making just one links page myself and get just a few high pr sites links?

I'm kinda confused...

Thanks alot everyone again for responding.

May 20th 2007 19:09   
Sheryl Advanced   
Hello Julianna,
I would say that page rank is not as important as once thought. I found that gettting myself known in communities improved my sales. I have been with the same business for awhile & people know I am sticking with it. Posting on forums & blogs.... Lets people feel as if they know you. Yes, you need ads for those that are just out shopping! But, when I see someone that is looking for 'this company', I refer them to one of the ladies (that I know from WAHM forums) that I feel is a trustworthy person.
I am not a guru so just take this as a thought.
Have a wonderful day,
May 22nd 2007 11:40   
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