Artists' and Artisans' Place

Art Communication!

by David Galich Online Business
David Galich Advanced   Online Business
Have you ever related arts to talking?  If so then you know what I mean by the term "Art Communication".  I think that the arts are a wonderfull way to communicate.  If we loss communication skills we loss it all!  How would you feel if we are to turn out like mutes?  I would not like learn and communicate that learning is called the perpetuation of culture.

Thus for us as human beings with intelligence we must have the best communication skills not onlly to live but to survive.  Now art takes on whole new role as one of the mediator between we the people!  I hope that someday to presue my ultimate goal to play music! 


Dave Galich

May 8th 2008 16:18

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Avinash Kaur Innovator  Business Manager
Art galleries display the history of a particular culture visually. Also, this visual history provides a look into what life was in that particular period through the artwork. For example, the art would provide information about the living culture of people in a particular period. Paintings might also help to explain the social and political climate when the artwork was made.

Most importantly, the art showcase the perspective of anyone particular artist such as Sakti Burman paintings during a certain moment in time. Most of the pieces might be more realistic; however, other pieces might be more symbolic.

Another purpose of art galleries is promoting art and artists of the emerging talent or already established artists. Art galleries also recognize art talent and promote them to the public at large. In turn, art gallery attendees introduce to other perspectives and also other ways of thinking through the viewing of artwork. Additionally, viewers might get inspired and endorse a particular cause, also change the way of thinking, and/or even create their work.

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Apr 5th 2022 13:17   
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