Network Marketing is a ~CONTACT SPORT!~

Why Networking Provides a Better Quality of Income

by Maggie Cody
Maggie Cody Innovator  
Networking Provides A Better Quality of Income

Earning $3000 in your own networking business is better than earning $3000 working for someone else. You don't have to build a business for someone else. You're building your own!

You don't have to wake up, go to lunch, go home or go on vacation when someone else tells you to. You don't have to miss your sons first t-ball game or your daughters first dance recital. You are not a puppet on a string. You are the boss. You have control of the hours of your life.

This is a better quality of income. Your Life is your Own and you can
do with it what YOU Please! This is worth working for!

If you own a business, this is a better business model. No overhead and no employees. Here you haven't just bought yourself a 80 hour a week job like most franchises out there. Here you build a residual income. And that is a better quality of income. It keeps coming over and over and over again.
Jun 3rd 2007 16:10

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Maggie Freshman  
You make it sound so easy... Thanks
Jun 3rd 2007 16:31   
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