Natural, Green, Organic Online Store Owners

Why isn't our message being heard?

by Barbara Eyre
Barbara Eyre Advanced  
Some of you may have owned your online stores for a longer period of time than I, so you may have a better perspective on the industry as a whole.

When you do online searches for various subjects, such as organic gardening, holistic medicine, recycling, composting, soy vs paraffin candles, etc etc ... there are literally thousands of websites that, in one way or another, promote a natural living lifestyle. And yet ...

Why is our message not being heard?
Case in point, where I live in North Carolina, there is such an apathy towards wildlife (wild and domestic) and the environment. People flick cigarette butts out of their vehicles because they truely believe the ground is their ashtray. Everyday, we are picking up beer bottles/cans, fast food trash, and other icky debris off the side of our residental roads. People get a pet dog and just chain him/her out in the yard. Kids don't play with them. They barely get food/water. Hardly any adequate shelter against the changing weather here. It breaks my heart and gets me so darn angry!

And don't get me started on the big corporations! They are even worse when it comes to pollution! And a lot of that is politics, which is a whole other ball of wax to be angry about - we'll not go there. Let's just stick with regular citizens and local communities.

Why are people so lazy they can't wait til they get home or to a store with a trash can to throw out their garbage? Why must they toss it out of their vehicles? Why won't more people recycle knowing that it saves resources, money, and energy? Those are proven facts. The list goes on and on.

Question: Is there truely anything more we can do to get our message across? Or, are the only ones really listening are the ones who already care about the environment and wildlife? Are we facing a losing battle?

Discuss ....
Jun 3rd 2007 15:14

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Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Barbara,

I don't know what the answer is to your question!Does anyone have a way to empower the people who would do these things... like are there tax write offs for those who live off the grid without power and still pay all the taxes and yet they're not contributing to the overall pollution and congestion of todays world! I used to know folks like that and it's not easy to do!

There's got to be a way to have it be a reciprocal benefit.

And.... it isn't just the individual who needs to recycle or conserve... The problem are just as you said! The huge corporations that have poisoned our world. Maybe there was a time when they didn't know what they were doing.... but that was more than a half century ago or more....

Thanks Barb!
I feel much better!
I got to sound off!

your friend
Jul 8th 2007 23:22   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
*grins* Beth - vent away my friend!

This is a good thread to vent about people polluting our world and their fellow man with lazy and selfish practices.

So - everyone vent! What blantant acts have you seen of people polluting, not recycling, etc?
Jul 10th 2007 20:32   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
We need to do what ever we can to change OUR world. That being the things we can influence.

"....I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do." Edward Everett Hale...."

Aug 20th 2007 01:21   
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