Friends Helping Friends

5% Of People own 95% of the Money in The World, WHY?

by Steinar Arason
Steinar Arason Innovator  
The Truth

Have you ever
wonder what makes you that person you are today? Do you think you have
every control of it, do we really know anything at all? Because there
is so much lie in the world you don't know what to belief anymore.

you ask your self, who tell the truth, news, television, radio,
newspapers, all this is controlled by political authorities. It's the
government that control what is revealed to the public. The western
countries do not always hear the truth what is happening in war on Iraq.

Bush said the other day in the news that he did the right thing to send
the army to Iraq and the world is a better place. Well those 300.000
innocent people, wifes, daughters, husbands and sons that were killed
was that a good thing? NO!

But in BBC and CNN we sometime only hear the other side of the story!

We have so little control over our universe, we are controlled by higher authority.

Now the big question today is WHY 5% of people own 95% of the money in the world?

because those 5% of people controls the money, why do you think 95% of
people that try to success in online business fail? They don't want us
to find it out, what is missing.
It's of course more to the story
than only this, here is another answer, those 5% think a lot different
about money. Local people think of the fastest way to spend the money
in some things and they will never see that money again. Those 5% they
think how they can invest their money into something to make it grow.
They plant the the three and we eat the aple.

Next time you have
some money in your pocket, think to your self, do I have to spend this
money on this stuff? Will I see the money again? The answer is NO! Take
the money you have and SAFE IT

Bye Bye
May 2nd 2008 17:16

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AxwellHome Advanced   
Oh yeah Steinar Arason,
We are living bad days. Only a few controls the planet.

The better, they seem not to be ready to resolve the problem.

When 5% of people own 95% of the money in the world. 95% of people in the world accept to give their money to 5% of people.

You are right. Everything is not necessary to be buyed. And another world is possible.

It's what i think, it's what makes me believe. Otherwise...

See you soon.
May 3rd 2008 01:51   
Steinar Arason Innovator   
The truth is, you make your own world. Your mind is the strongest construction you have. Use it wisely and make your own truth and your own reality.

Think for your self!
May 3rd 2008 14:42   
George Clarke Junior  
Saddam Hussein killed 40,000 of his subjects a year. The American Military, as fearsome as it is, could not possibly have accounted for more than 20,000 innocent people a year, assuming 10,000 a year of those who were killed were guilty bad guys, insurgents intent on chaos, foreign invaders from Syria, Iran Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc and Al Qaida who properly should have been killed for what they did at the World Trade Center.

So Our Miliary by putting their bodies and bravery on the line has saved 20,000 Iraqis a year from Saddam Hussein (on into the future) gave the Iraqis billions of dollars and democracy, ended the theft of billions by the Baathists, and built hundreds of schools and hospitals. Torture is down, Rape is down, the future of the Iraqis is abundant, and the Kurds have thanked us profusely (though corruption, here or abroad, will never be stifled fully). Yet some buy the lie that at the cost of 4000 dead, our military killed 400,000. That is ridiculous. How many did the foreign Jihadi invaders kill? Read the truth. We helped Iraq. We are a good country with a good President whose good will be realized for decades in the Middle East. 10,000 years of tyranny in Mesopatamia. 4 years of democracy. Who put it there? At the cost of 4000 dead. Who would have thunk? Stop spreading the lies and start thinking the truth. The Spirit of 1776 toppled a King in France within 15 years. How many countries have been converted to peaceful democracies since, by the virtuous example of our Country? Now we are in the Cradle of Civilization, spreading democracy there, too, again as a viral improvement.

Sure the Tyrants who surround Iraq are scared of us and spread lies, because they do not have the courage to face our military, God Bless 'Em. But as Americans we should have the intelligence not to repeat the lies of foreign Tyrants whose job it is as Americans, to bring to Justice.

Spread the Truth always. I appreciate your opinions, if they differ. I hope you can appreciate mine which I hold as firmly as you hold yours, backed always with facts vigorously investigated.

George Clarke
United USA, Inc.
May 4th 2008 13:57   
George Clarke Junior  
George Clarke again.

In support of Trafficprofitfun, the best way to buy things while keeping your money is monetary recycling. We recycle paper and metal, and plastic bottles, why not recycle your money back to yourself?

So you always recycle your papers.
And you make sure you recycle your trash.
It's a gas to recycle old metal.
So why not recycle your cash?

So leave all your used shells to the landfill.
Now they're broken, smashed up and all through.
But put Boomerang Wings on your dollars.
So they'll be winging their way back to you.

"Boomerang Wings" (2005)
by Karl Smith and Adam Marx
The Science of Money -- The Science of Peace (1982)
(A Study in Quantum Economics)

To learn how the creation of new inflation proof money can help rebalance the maldistribution of wealth by making all of us wealthier without threatening those already wealthy with uncompensated wealth redistribution, where we can use this newly created money for as payment for reparations for the thefts of the past, see,, and write me to sign up for the free online cash system where you can get free money on line for a little no-sweat equity work that recycles your own money back to you.

It really works. You've got to see it to believe it.

This is the only way I have found to rebalance the maldistribution of wealth and by doing it right we can have the rich help us. There are alot of rich folks out there who from guilt or passion or virtue want to help the poor, and they have been doing it for centuries (hence the actual progress we've made) but with the Science of Quantum Economics and Rational Monetary Creation, we can now do it Scientifically. Remember, the Science of Money is the Science of Peace.

Peace to all and Wishing you a profitable future,

Chief Counsel, UNITED USA, INC. (Ask me about the Free Online Kash System or just FOLKS for short.
May 4th 2008 14:10   
Mark Stephen Hauser Professional
Yea, this kind of reminds me of that old 80% / 20% rule whereby 20% of the people do 80% of the work, the giving, the serving, and so forth. But if it is actually closer to 95% / 5% then that's amazing!
May 5th 2008 08:02   
No longer an active member Professional  
There is more to life than just money. And the 5% that control 95% of the world's money do so because their vision and purpose in life goes beyond money. Right or wrong, the people in power are visionaries who dare to turn their imagination into reality. Bill Gates did not achieve what he has done with Microsoft because he was focussed on money. He was driven by another vision, and visionaries are uncompromising when it comes to pursuing and achieving their goals.
May 6th 2008 14:06   
AxwellHome Advanced   
I agree with Iñaki Legorburu.
Those who have money are not focusing on money but on the way to get it.

But have you heard about Bill Gates looking for a way to share his profit?
He have reached the limit. So, it could have a limit?

I always wonder how you can be happy or proud when you know those who are closed to you are suffering. But it is a poor question from a poor person. Rich person are not thinking like this.


Profit sharing and revenue sharing businesses are flourishing the web!
The money is not great for everyone, but the concept has born.


Let's make it go, let's make it real!

May 6th 2008 15:39   
Steinar Arason Innovator   
But have you notice that everyone that has become successful in something, etc. acting, business, bodybuilding, be good in sports, just what ever, they know exactly since they were 10 years old what they want to do and how to get there.

The life is so complicated and so confusing it's sometimes hard to find your point in the life. It's like searching for treasure and the treasure is your GOAL.

Think about this for a minute, lets say you were on some local bar and a pirate came to you, he say to you: In stead of wasting your time with no goal to follow, waste your time finding the goal to follow." And the pirate show you a map, and tell you this is a map to a treasure. But there is lot of obstacles along the way. But if you keep your mind at the goal you will find the way to the treasure. When you find it you will think back and say with smile: "The life doesn't get any better then this!"

This is the life, you have got an obstacles to go trough but that only makes you stronger to archive your long-term goal.

So my advice is never let the obstacles in the life stop you!
May 6th 2008 20:35   
Mattias Kroon Senior   
Thanks Steinar!

My comment on this is that people must gather more knowledge about different things in life.Without knowledge they will be easy to fool of those who has the power.Some politicians are wiser than others but when it comes to the question of how we use our money, we must try to find the right ways to financial freedom!

Get the knowledge you need and get it from trustworthy people!

True democracy again!!
May 10th 2008 15:33   
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